How Luis Millan Achieved E-Commerce Success At A Young Age

Photo Credit: Luis Millan

Entrepreneur Luis Millan recognized his entrepreneurial spirit from a young age. At 18, he was ready to branch out and take on much responsibility. He was naturally a leader, and he harnessed that skill when starting his e-commerce business. Millan’s early success is an indication of great things to come. His e-commerce business has already taken off, and he has plans to keep going.

Millan began his career at 18 when he became involved in the cell phone repair industry. He quickly became a partner in his company and found his niche, leading a thriving business. He and Chase Alley, still his business partner today, sold the business when Millan was 22 after establishing three highly profitable brick-and-mortar locations. Millan switched tactics following the sale, focusing on selling and distributing cell phones and other devices like computers and tech accessories. He experimented with selling products on eBay and in the business-to-business space. These experiences sparked Millan’s interest in e-commerce.

Before he fully committed to e-commerce, Millan founded a gutter installation company while continuing to nurture his growing e-commerce ventures. He shifted to selling on Amazon and soon realized he needed to dedicate himself to either brick-and-mortar business or e-commerce to succeed. Millan was more intrigued by selling products on Amazon and chose to sell his gutter installation business and focus on e-commerce full-time. This gamble paid off and ignited Millan’s passion for e-commerce, which he has followed since.

Photo Credit: Luis Millan

Today, Millan sells products on Amazon for his stores and multiple partners and clients. He manages e-commerce stores for over 380 clients in the tech equipment industry, leveraging his business expertise to create a thriving empire. Millan believes that his early experiences managing and scaling businesses led directly to his later successes. Having the edge of experience in business and investing helps him stand out in the industry to this day. Most online entrepreneurs need to gain a background in owning physical or corporate businesses like Millan does. At 31, he sees those early experiences as integral to his current success.

Because of Millan’s unique learning curve, he seeks to inspire others who come from similar backgrounds. He sees younger men who grew up like him, with a low-income family that could not assist him in his ventures, and hopes to teach them that there are many ways to reach success. Millan may have yet to start with much, but he now owns a multi-million dollar company and has made great strides in tech. Working online and being a proud partner of ASGTG, an online community of Amazon professionals, is different from where he predicted that he would end up. Still, it is where he has found happiness and success.

Millan’s journey indicates how far someone can come when they gain experience and desire to achieve their goals. His story inspires and motivates other young people who want to work for themselves and grow beyond their circumstances. Millan’s business will continue to grow due to his drive and creativity, and he plans to take others with him.

Photo Credit: Luis Millan

Written in partnership with Tom White