An Inside Look At Synergy Global Forum’s Event Of The Fall

A networking event featuring some of the greatest global icons, Synergy Global Forum’s “A Master Class in Disruption” will feature exclusive panels and in-depth discussions on today’s most cutting edge topics. On October 27-28, participants will have the chance to learn and interact with the best professionals and influencers including key note speakers Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Forbes Media, Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales, Fox News Host and Award-winning Prosecutor Kimberly Guilfoyle, and many more. The weekend-long event will also include the Synergy Afterparty on October 27 which will feature a special appearance by American media personality and DJ, Paris Hilton.
“The Nuts and Bolts of Building a Multi-Million Dollar Business”
Entrepreneur Magazine‘s Editor-in-Chief Jason Feifer will hold a roundtable panel featuring some of the brightest rule-breaking entrepreneurs who run multi-million dollar businesses, including: Chleh Huang, Leslie Short, Ludovic Huraux, Aubrey Marcus.
“The Future of The Tech Revolution”
Moderated by Maneet Ahuja, CNBC’s hedge fund specialist a.k.a. the “Wall Street Whisperer,” this panel will include an in-depth discussion on the biggest bets in tech and the never-ending quest for innovations.
“Should You Catch the Bitcoin Wave or Stay on Shore?”
This panel will address the on-going debate of — is the bitcoin wave a fad or here to stay?
“How Businesses Can Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence NOW”
Aiming to educate attendees on how A.I can help increase revenue for future businesses, this panel will focus on analyzing of artificial intelligence will transform the economy and strengthen revenue streams.
For more information, make sure to visit where Haute Living readers interested in attending will be offered a 50% discount on ticket pricing by using promo code STUD5