Magnificent Art Enchants Visitors at Coup d’Etat Gallery Show

Photo Credit: Drew Altizer
Coup d’Etat, the luxe interior design showroom from Darin Geise, was transformed into a magnificent gallery for one night only on October 19. Geise and his phenomenal team removed most of the furniture and wall hangings from the space. It was replaced with crazy cool sculptures and color-saturated paintings as two contemporary artists displayed their conversation-starting pieces.

Photo Credit: Drew Altizer
Sculptor Harry Siter made four larger than life bronze and wood statues. His series was about animals fighting back against humans and featured animal heads on human bodies. For example, a cartoon fox head was placed on top of a metallic female body and a silver deer head sat on top of a wooden body with cast iron hands. He also created a series of sensational bobble heads. About a foot tall, each golden statue has a removable head that can be placed on another body. Other pieces have a gemstone and metal flower for heads and these can be removed and worn as jewelry. The other artist was painter Peter Opheim whose work features modern potato head-like creatures that look as if they were made from play dough.

Photo Credit: Drew Altizer
Chic design-savvy guests wondered around the gorgeous warehouse space while snapping photos of the otherworldly artwork. The bar offered an assortment of wine donated by Donum Estate, Pine Ridge, and Seghesio, so party goers were able to sample some of the Northern California’s best varietals. Bubbly by Faire la Fete was also guzzled by the eclectic crowd. Passed appetizers included miniature roast beef sandwiches with horseradish cream and crispy fried onions; roasted tomato and fig tarts; and rye crostini with shaved radish herb butter. Notable guests in attendance were fashion designers Yuka Uehar and Altana Danzhalova and interior designers Jenny Boyle, Emilie Munroe, and Will Wick.