Haute Auto, News | September 1, 2016

This LA Design Firm Will Transform Your Rolls-Royce into a Yacht

Haute Auto, News | September 1, 2016


Rolls-Royce-Regatta-1200x675-1Photo Credit: SottoStudios

Have you ever dreamed about turning your car into a yacht? If so, the LA design firm SottoStudios is making it possible to turn your fantasy into a reality.

SottoStudios, a company which was established in 2004, is an experiential design and brand studio created by senior Disney “Imagineer” Eddie Sotto that is frequently tapped to invent or revitalize products as multi sensory  “experiences.” Trained in the Disney process born from film, Sotto treats each client as a “script” to be emotionally mined, distilling that “wow” that engages the consumer and then designing to deliver that deeper connection on every level. His studio only selects assignments that they describe as “hard fun.”

His Rolls-Royce to yacht project can certainly be described as “hard fun”—though that might be putting things mildly. The car/yacht is called “Regatta” and features a customizable inlaid hood, roof and trunk framed with satin aluminum; it also features a solid mahogany tail, based off of a $3000,000 model Rolls.

After SottoStudios customizes the car to your personal needs and tastes, the car to yacht metamorphosis will then be handled by California-based Aria Group, a company best known for building and engineering aircraft interiors and limited production cars such as the Porsche Singer 911.

For those who simply can’t live without this crazy innovative product, well, it’s going to set you back at least a million dollars. But isn’t being the only kid on the block with a shiny new toy worth it?

  • For the record, this customized, completely unique project has absolutely nothing to do with the deal that Rolls-Royce recently signed with Italian yacht builder Benetti. The luxury auto brand has created a high performance, lightweight steerable thruster that makes comprehensive use of carbon fibre material for the first time in its Azipull Carbon 65 (AZP C65). 

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