Haute Scene | April 7, 2014

Teller’s The Tempest Debuts at The Smith Center

Haute Scene | April 7, 2014
Photos: Geri Kodey
Photos: Geri Kodey

The Smith Center drew back the curtains to unveil a land of wizardry and wonder in the world premiere of its first-ever co-production The Tempest in Symphony Park on Saturday night. Produced in partnership with the renowned American Repertory Theater (A.R.T.), The Tempest is a re-imagined version of William Shakespeare’s work that explores the magical story of shipwrecked aristocrats that wash up on the shores of Prospero’s strange island and find themselves immersed in a world of trickery and amazement.

Co-director and adapter Teller of legendary duo Penn & Teller addressed the crowd – discussing the inspiration behind The Tempest, the importance of bringing Shakespeare to Las Vegas and the significance of the production premiering at The Smith Center. Following the opening remarks, the audience was transported to a majestic land of mystery beneath the old world tent, where creatures came to life and music by Tom Waits and Kathleen Brennan, performed by Rough Magic, could be heard.

Co-director and adapter Aaron Posner and choreographer Matt Kent of Pilobolus were in the house supporting the cast. The talented cast includes Tom Nelis as Prospero, Louis Butelli as Antonio, Nate Dendy as Ariel, Christopher Donahue as Alonso, Dawn Didawick as Gonzala, Joby Earle as Ferdinand, Zachary Eisenstat and Manelich Minniefee as Caliban, Charlotte Graham as Miranda, Eric Hissom as Stephano, Jonathan M. Kim as Trinculo, and Edmund Lewis as Sebastian.

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