Taking News From Wall Street to Main Street
Eric Bolling – Contributor
Not that the network’s growth happened without growing pains, something that every new company experiences, regardless of industry. The difference at FOX Business is that said pains occur on air. But Cavuto, who has broad experience at start-up networks, says, “We are having the same growing pains FOX News Channel had, the same growing pains CNBC had. We got off the ground and one could always use more of everything, but invariably, you make do with what you have.”
And what they have are team members that are willing to go out on a limb for the network. “Along the way, there are certain challenges that come up and come out, and you have to work as a family to try to figure them out,” says Lee. “This is the kind of process we are in on a daily, if not hourly, if not by minute basis, because we are live television. Sometimes it’s hard because there are mistakes and there are challenges, and sometimes you play them out for the viewers live. At the same time, I think that is a very endearing quality of the network to be about to put ourselves out there, up for critique.”
Each of the members feels the support of the network when they do break the mold. “We can kid around, we can talk hard business, we can cover breaking news, we have fun, and we don’t feel like we are going to be crucified if we don’t follow a certain recipe,” says Petallides. “We are our own entity. It’s like an evolution and we are growing and we are seeing what is and isn’t working.”
The largest challenge the network has faced is growth and distribution. “It is hard to rate and grow as an organization if you do not succeed in getting into more homes,” says Cavuto. “I know full well how daunting our odds are, but with FOX News President Roger Ailes’ efforts and Rupert Murdoch’s vision, we’ll get there.”
At the network, spirits are high, as are their sights, which are set on market domination. “In our first week, we really aced it,” says Petallides. “And it has only gotten better since then.”