Will Smith Explains Why It’s Not His Responsibility To Make His Wife Happy
Will Smith believes he’s not responsible for his wife’s happiness. This lesson on love was learned through his wife of 20 years, Jada Pinkett-Smith. Allow him to explain.
He said, “You cannot make a person happy. I thought that was a real deep idea. You can make a person smile. You can make a person feel good. You can make a person laugh. But, whether or not a person is happy is deeply and totally and utterly out of your control.”
The explanation is a deep dive into the personal pursuit of happiness, which is a topic Smith believes in and passionately preaches.
Will asked Jada about one of the biggest revelations that she’s had about love and he shared her answer for another IG sermon.
You can’t make another person happy!
Where do I submit my tithes and offerings to First Lady @JadaPSmith? pic.twitter.com/S20QdSo5h5
— Ameena Rasheed (@AmeenaRasheed) February 16, 2018
“I remember the day I retired. I literally said to Jada ‘That’s it. I retire. I retire from trying to make you happy. I need you to go make yourself happy and just prove to me that it’s even possible.’”
On the topic of relationships, Smith further explains the false ideas associated with them. Primarily, the alarmingly and scary belief amongst the masses that relationships will fulfill an individual and make them whole.
“We cracked the hell up. We started talking about [how] we came into this fake romantic concept that somehow when we got married that we would become one. And, what we realized is that we were two completely separate people on two completely separate individual journeys and that we were choosing to walk our separate journeys together. But her happiness was her responsibility and my happiness was my responsibility,” Smith said.
To come full circle, the idea that it’s your job to make your significant other happy or vice versa is completely and utterly “unrealistic,” as Smith puts it.
He concluded, “And, we decided that we were gonna find our individual internal private separate joy and then we’re gonna present ourselves to the relationship and to each other already happy. Not coming to each other begging with our empty cups out, demanding that she fill my cup. And demanding that she meet my needs. It’s unfair and it’s kind of unrealistic and can be destructive to place the responsibility for your happiness on anybody other than yourself.
What do you think?