Stylish Sleep Solution
Whether you’re a first-time mom or popping out your fourth baby, every parent struggles with sleep—or lack of it, to be more precise. While each child is different, their sleep habits can be challenging.
And parents will purchase anything to try to get their little ones to sleep through the night, from space-age sleep suits to cribs that vibrate. In the last few years, however, a must-have product has emerged in the sleep category called DockATot. This Swedish bed/lounger envelops the baby in a cushion of comfort, preventing them from rolling too far and recreating the snugness of the womb. Celebrity moms Kim Kardashian, Coco Rocha, Scarlett Johansson and Emilie de Ravin all love the DockATot.
This portable bed comes in two sizes for babies and toddlers, Deluxe (0 to 8 months) and Grand (9 to 36 months), and you can opt for plain white or more colorful patterns. Starting at $175, the DockATot is worth the high price tag, as your tiny insomniac sleeps through the night for the first time!