Kanye West Sued by Ex-Assistant for Wrongful Termination and Contract Breach

Kanye West is currently embroiled in a legal battle, facing accusations of sexual harassment, breach of contract, and wrongful termination from his former assistant, Lauren Pisciotta. According to the lawsuit, Pisciotta alleges that West sent her inappropriate texts and performed explicit acts during phone calls. Pisciotta claims she was dismissed in 2022 and never received the promised $3 million severance package.

The allegations, first reported by TMZ and later confirmed by other outlets, have yet to be addressed by West’s legal team. Pisciotta states that she initially met West in 2021 while supporting herself through an OnlyFans account. She was hired to work on his Yeezy fashion line and later promoted to his personal assistant with a $1 million annual salary.

The lawsuit outlines that West initially allowed Pisciotta to continue her OnlyFans activities but later demanded she delete her account in exchange for an additional $1 million. Following her compliance, Pisciotta alleges she received explicit messages from West, including pornographic content, and experienced inappropriate behavior from him.

Pisciotta’s lawsuit also details an incident where West allegedly masturbated in her presence and another where he trapped her in a private room on his plane. Promoted to Chief of Staff for West’s companies, she was soon fired without receiving her severance pay.

In addition to sexual harassment and wrongful termination, Pisciotta is suing for fraud, unpaid wages, and emotional distress. This lawsuit adds to West’s recent legal challenges, including accusations of racial discrimination from a former security guard and a settled lawsuit with Donna Summer’s estate over unauthorized use of her music.

West has a history of controversial behavior, including allegations from former Yeezy employees of inappropriate conduct during meetings. Despite these controversies, he has seen recent success with his music, topping charts earlier this year.