Angelina Jolie Ordered to Produce Years of NDAs in Brad Pitt Winery Dispute

Photo Credit: Jaguar PS/Shutterstock

Angelina Jolie is required to submit eight years’ worth of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) as part of her ongoing legal battle with ex-husband Brad Pitt over Château Miraval, their jointly purchased French winery, a Los Angeles judge has ruled.

The dispute, ongoing since 2022, involves Jolie’s attempt to sell her share of the winery, which Pitt allegedly opposed unless she agreed to an extensive NDA. In April, Jolie’s legal team filed a motion to disclose communications demonstrating Pitt’s demands.

Recently, Pitt’s legal team requested that Judge Lia Martin compel Jolie to provide all NDAs she had signed over the past eight years. Judge Martin ruled in favor of Pitt’s request on May 16, ordering Jolie to produce “all non-privileged documents in her possession, custody, or control that are responsive” to Pitt’s earlier legal action within 60 days.

Pitt’s lawyers argued that the NDAs were critical to understanding Jolie’s refusal to adhere to their contractual obligations when she sold her shares to Russian oligarch Yuri Shefler. Murphy, representing Jolie, contended that these NDAs were not comparable to Pitt’s last-minute NDA demand intended to conceal his alleged misconduct. Murphy welcomed the court’s decision, suggesting it would allow discovery on all relevant issues, including Pitt’s alleged abuse.

Pitt has accused Jolie of using the proposed NDA as an excuse to halt negotiations and sell her shares to Shefler. His legal team argued that Jolie has withheld all relevant documents except those related directly to their agreement. Consequently, they demanded Jolie provide any NDAs with third parties involved with her or the care of their children from 2014 to February 2022.

Pitt asserts he invested significant time and money into Château Miraval and that the couple had agreed that neither could sell their shares without mutual consent.