Will Judge Dismiss Motion Filed By President Trump?

President Donald Trump
President Donald Trump

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Earlier this month, President Donald Trump and his administration filed a motion to have a lawsuit by the U.S. House of Representatives House Ways and Means dismissed by Trump-appointed federal Judge Trevor McFadden in Washington, D.C.

House Democrats in the Committee are now asking McFadden to dismiss that motion. They seek to obtain six years of Trump’s personal and business federal tax returns. The lawsuit was originally filed in July.

According to The Hill, the Committee’s lawyers wrote, “If Defendants’ justiciability arguments were adopted, then Congress, the House, the Senate, and their committees would be irreparably disabled from vindicating their powers to obtain information vital to oversight of the Executive Branch.”

However, the administration and Trump’s lawyers argue that the federal courts should not bend to congressional demands in their favor. The Committee’s lawyers replied, “Defendants present their position as encouraging the Court not to take sides in an inter-branch contest. But Defendants’ position, if accepted, would require the court to definitively side with the Executive Branch — and on issues with far broader implications than the immediate dispute over President Trump’s tax returns.”

Trump has repeatedly filed lawsuits in state and federal courts to prevent his taxes from being released to Congress. During the run-up to the 2016 Presidential Election, he claimed that he could not release his taxes to the public due to ongoing audits. He has not said if he will publish his taxes as he seeks re-election in 2020.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi launched an impeachment inquiry earlier this week. Ongoing investigations by Congressional committees against Trump and his administration will continue “under the umbrella” of said inquiry, said Pelosi.

Update: Impeachment inquiries continue, with added tension over whistleblower allegations that Trump attempted to get help from a foreign government against a political opponent, former Vice President Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

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