Posts by Andres E. Caceres

Your Quintessential Guide To A Breast Lift

Breast lift, or mastopexy, is a procedure during which excess skin of the breast is removed and the nipple and areola are repositioned higher on the breast. The breast tissue is “gathered up” and a more youthful, perky breast is created.

No Sweat, No Stress

If excessive sweating is taking a toll on your day-to-day (not to mention your dry cleaning bills), look no further. Santa Monica Dermatologist Dr. Karyn Grossman discusses science-backed treatments that will stop the sweat for good.

Facial Aesthetic Surgery Without “Going Under” Anesthesia: Truth or Myth?

You may have recently heard a close friend of yours talking about their experience when they “had their facelift done without general anesthesia”. It is possible that your first impression was: Is that even possible? The answer is yes.

Get To Know Bariatric Surgeon Dr. Sepehr Lalezari

How does the future of your field look?

Very exciting, advancements in minimally invasive surgery are enhancing recovery, decreasing complications, decreasing pain, and increasing patient satisfaction. With advancements in robotics, the surgical field has a lot in store.

What is the biggest misconception about your field?

People erroneously believe that bariatric surgery is taking the “easy way out.” This couldn’t be further from the truth. Some physicians may propagate this misconception as a way to entice patients but this is simply not true.

Sunspots? Here’s How An IPL Photofacial Can Help To Combat The Aging Process!

What is an IPL Photofacial? In an IPL Photofacial, Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is used to treat pigment and vascular irregularities of the face.  This is great for treating sunspots and dilated capillaries. What technology is used in the IPL Photofacial? How does it work? Pigment and vascular lesions absorb the light which causes them to heat up and be destroyed.

A Less Invasive Brow Lift That Takes Years Off Your Eyes

What is special about this brow lift? Dr. Jeffrey Jumaily gives Haute Beauty a “look” into a brow lift procedure that works wonders!

The “Lift and Fill Facelift” That You Were Searching For Is Here

The “Lift-and-Fill Facelift” offers a customized approach for restoring youthfulness to one’s face; it not just corrects soft tissue laxity but also addresses volume loss. Tightening the underlying muscle layer allows for the skin to naturally drape the area, resulting in a long-lasting and natural outcome.

Tubeless Tuck: Tummy Tuck Details From A Real Expert In The Field

A tummy tuck, or abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to improve the appearance of the abdomen and flanks. This procedure is routinely in the top five most requested cosmetic surgeries year-after-year. A tummy tuck is most often performed on women who have had their abdominal skin stretched and muscles spread apart for a host of reasons: pregnancy, weight gain or after major weight loss.

Everything You Need To Know About CoolScultping

CoolSculpting is an amazing non-invasive body contouring treatment which utilizes a process known as cryoliposis to freeze fat cells in the treated area. We have been performing CoolSculpting in our office for over ten years with fantastic results. The patient is comfortably positioned on the treatment table and a gel pad is placed over the treatment area; the applicator is positioned over the gel pad and secured.

Haute Beauty by Haute Living X