Unveiling the Truth Behind Gua Sha: Expert Techniques for Safe and Effective Skincare Amidst Social Media Myths

Beauty News, Top Five Featured February 26, 2024 By Grace Sarkisian

Gua Sha, a traditional Chinese healing tool, has surged in popularity recently, specifically in the realm of beauty, touted for its effectiveness in facial sculpting and lymphatic drainage. However, a significant number of enthusiasts may be inadvertently misusing it, posing potential harm to their skin. It’s crucial to grasp the authentic purpose and advantages of Gua Sha before seamlessly integrating it into your skincare routine.

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Recent research from a Japanese university underscores that Gua Sha was never intended for facial scraping but rather for the body. Facial muscles are markedly thinner than their body counterparts, rendering the face more delicate and susceptible to harm from aggressive scraping. Ultrasound imaging has corroborated these concerns, revealing that such scraping can induce micro-tears and harm to capillaries and tissues.

Originally used for medical purposes, such as waking individuals from comas and stemming post-childbirth bleeding, Gua Sha is a potent curative instrument that warrants careful and reverent use, honoring its origins. Contrary to the vigorous scraping often seen on social media, Gua Sha should be applied gently and slowly, employing mild to moderate pressure.

When using Gua Sha, it is important to hold the tool flat against the skin, as if it were glued in place. This helps to prevent unnecessary tugging and pulling on the skin. Using a quality hydrating toner and facial oil is imperative during the treatment, providing lubrication and moisture.

Avoid placing Gua Sha in the fridge, as the cold temperature can compromise the stone’s therapeutic benefits. Jade and rose quartz stand out as favored Gua Sha stones, each offering distinct advantages such as anti-inflammatory and soothing properties. Beyond lymphatic fluid drainage, these stones play a pivotal role in sculpting and calming the nervous system, bestowing profound energetic healing.

If you are interested in learning more about the authentic use of Gua Sha, I invite you to explore my online class. Here, I’ll guide you through the authentic techniques and myriad benefits of this age-old beauty tool. Remember, Gua Sha is not just a skincare tool – it is a holistic tool for mind, body, and soul healing. Treat it with respect and it will reward you with radiant skin and a sense of well-being. Sign up today!

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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