Step Inside Wellness Expert Mona Vand’s Kitchen: Clean Eating Tips And Daily Rituals

News, Online Exclusive May 4, 2023 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Courtesy of the brand

When you open your Instagram and browse through your “For You” page, have you ever stopped to take notice of the types of content that are consuming your screen? Our eyes are often drawn to the colorful food content that is presented to us. Amidst the green summertime salads and smoothie combinations, there is a high chance you will come across Mona Vand – a Doctor of Pharmacy, wellness expert, clean living, a self-growth family woman who has captured the attention of social media users everywhere with her daily eating habits, recipe tutorials, and might we add, chic modern style.

While we continue to be inspired by Vand’s hearty, whole-food recipes that have us running to the grocery store constantly to replicate her exact masterpieces, we are thrilled to share that our fangirling has officially made it out of the chat – and by chat, we mean Instagram. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Vand to talk about what’s in her kitchen and let’s just say our grocery list just got a lot more whole after this one.

The Kitchen Staples

Jumping right into it, we had to ask what food items are the staples in her kitchen. And with no hesitation, the pro-health and wellness guru (as we like to call her) shared her list of essential items. [We instantly take out a pen and paper to take notes]. “It’s so clear because there are always those staple items that I will make sure to have. Lemons and limes for sure,” said Vand. Living in New York City comes with its struggles, but with a bit of research and the help of Google Maps, she found a little grocery store that would always deliver. “When I’d call him, he’d say 20 lemons and limes. Yup, that’s me! I’d go through them in a week.”

Other items that you will always find in her kitchen are organic green olives and sauerkraut. Although we never thought of owning these items, we already know what will be in our fridges by the end of the day. Vand also keeps raw ginger to integrate into teas and blend into juice and smoothies and considers chia seeds, beets, seaweed, and organic berries to be essential items. She prefers to buy produce that is in season and sourced organically, and often orders boxes of fresh produce from local farms. And did we forget to mention that she lives across the street from Whole Foods? Coincidence or planned?

The Transition: Plant-based to Clean Eating

Learning that Vand goes the extra mile for her groceries, asking if she grows any fresh herbs in her apartment wasn’t far off. Though it was a no, we might have just inspired her. So, if you see a video hit Vand’s feed, you can thank us.

Speaking of plants, Vand used to live a plant-based diet, she now eats a more clean, simple, and natural diet. What led her to make this change? Let’s dive into it.

“It was really gut health. Sometimes things come to you when they’re meant to, and I didn’t realize how much processed food I was eating. While a fully plant-based diet may work for some people, it depends on your blood type, body type, and other factors.” Our bodies function very differently, and what works for one person, doesn’t always work for others, which is where the frustration can come about. “I was trying so many things that weren’t working, that I had to drop my ego and be open-minded. Give yourself grace. Just because you thought a certain way of eating was the only way doesn’t mean it will work out. Half the battle was being ashamed, but once I let it go and embrace it, I found a new way of eating that I really enjoy.”

Our bodies go through different phases in life, and nothing has to be permanent. Have you ever tried intermittent fasting or the keto diet? All these trends are trial and error. “If you’re eating clean and going back to whole foods, whether you’re plant-based or vegetarian, you’ll always be in a better position.”

Despite having avoided dairy for a long time, Vand still enjoys ghee for its gut benefits. There are also plenty of vegan cheeses, just check the ingredients and make sure there are no preservatives, gums, fillers, or natural flavors, like Monty’s NYC and Miyoko’s Creamery’s classic cream cheese.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of the brand

Grocery Store Check List

Speaking of groceries items, how does one efficiently approach grocery shopping? Because if you are anything like us, grocery shopping is not our cup of tea, and we just go for the usual items, which, actually, Mona said is quite normal. “I am such a creature of habit. I find this quite common in people. We all end up eating the same thing.”

When the grocery store (aka Whole Foods) doors open, “the rule is to stay on the outer edges of the store. I go right to the produce section. I grab lemons, and limes, I also like a lot of greens (collard greens, mustard greens, kale), anything I am running low on. The staples mixed with my intuition. For animal protein, I order from different companies online: Grassland Beef and Wild Pastures, because they are humanely raised, antibiotic-free, and I like to know the source of where it is coming from.”


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As for her career and hobby, Vand mentioned that if there is something that she wants to try she will go to the store specifically for that item, but she always has her almond flour, cassava flour, and coconut flour on hand.

For someone like ourselves, Vand suggests getting produce that is in season especially if you are not getting packaged food. As we talk about the food items she loves, we wonder: what is her guilty pleasure? In just seconds, she responds with a sturdy “French fries.” Whether she makes sweet potato fries at home in the oven or on the pan, there is nothing better than a crispy batch of fries.

Tips to Employ Clean Eating

Years ago, buying all the packaged items was not an option. We have become so used to the convenience of it that we often find ourselves falling victim to hitting up the frozen section of Trader Joe’s without a second thought. However, when we shift our mindset away from packaged foods, it becomes a normal and essential part of our routine. Vand’s top tip is to “go back to the basics – almost as primal as you can get. When you’re at the store, buy actual food.”

Don’t let this scare you. “Start small by making your own sauces this week and avoiding packaged foods next week. When you consistently practice this way of eating, it becomes a part of your daily routine. Consistency is key.”

Moving on to the wellness aspect, Vand emphasizes the importance of meditation and clean eating. “I will never skip my meditation. I won’t comprise on eating clean.” For Vand, this is what works for her, but she advises against blindly following someone else’s routine, as it may not be the best fit for you. This isn’t a guide on what to do tomorrow; you can choose the practices that enhance every part of your life, making it more mindful and fulfilling.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of the brand

Getting Into Gut Health

While studying pharmacy, Vand learned all about the intricacies of the human body, from metabolism to excretion and bioavailability – the extent to which supplements are absorbed and utilized in the body. Fascinated by the idea and in her final years of studies, she joined a gym in her free time. “I was always studying, but I wanted to get in shape. I took a kickbox cardio class and it was so fun, I think that is where my passion started.” From there, she graduated from pharmacy school and moved to Los Angeles, where she was surrounded by health and wellness.

“It was a perfect storm. I was in a wellness city, and I had this background, but I wasn’t happy with what I was doing. I had a wealth of knowledge because of it. So, my passion for health and wellness progressed, turning into a career.”

Staying True to Healthy Habits While Traveling

As a frequent traveler, we are impressed to learn that she has discovered many ways to maintain her eating habits. When she is in the United States, she relies on the meal plan she created with Daily Dose meals, which is available nationwide. When traveling internationally, she brings along the essentials like ghee, powdered matcha, and freeze-dried almond milk.

One of Vand’s favorite travel hacks is using Google Maps or Postmates to search for restaurants or markets that offer paleo, organic, or grass-fed options. “It’s so fun to do, especially in a new place.” However, Vand admits to indulging in local cuisine when traveling. “I do the best I can. While I am in other countries, I always embrace the food they have to offer. If you are in Italy, eat the pasta.” When eating out, Vand suggests safe options such as salmon or any other fish that is low in mercury, and vegetables. Bon appétit!

Vand’s approach to health and wellness can inspire us to prioritize our health and take a closer look at the types of food we consume. Whether you are plant-based or not, listening to your body and making adjustments to your diet can make a significant difference in your overall well-being. As Vand says, in ancient times, people didn’t have a rulebook for eating healthy, but they trusted the fruits of the Earth. So, the next time you go grocery shipping, take her advice and focus on fresh, seasonal produce, and high-quality protein sources. Remember, even small changes can lead to significant improvements in your health. Take a step towards a healthier lifestyle, one grocery trip at a time!

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