NeoGraft Is Dr. Bloom’s Secret Weapon For Treating Hair Loss

Doctor's Talk, News January 28, 2020 By Marissa Gonzalez

Dr. Jason D. Bloom is an award-winning, Ivy-League trained, double board-certified facial plastic & reconstructive surgeon.  His extensive experience and reputable training provide the foundation for his excellent technical skills and surgical aesthetic. He is dedicated to the treatment of patients with both cosmetic concerns and reconstructive problems of the head and neck. Haute Beauty chats with Dr. Bloom about NeoGraft to treat hair loss. 

neograft for hairl ossPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

HB: What is NeoGraft for hair restoration?

This is a follicular unit extraction (FUE) system of surgical harvesting and implantation for hair restoration and transplantation. NeoGraft allows patients to achieve a natural improvement in their hairline or hair fullness in thinning or receding areas.

HB: How does NeoGraft work?

The NeoGraft system delivers automation of the FUE technique, some of the most advanced techniques in the hair transplant industry. The FUE method of hair transplantation removes individual hair follicles from the scalp in their naturally occurring groupings of about 1-4 hairs and are then placed in the areas of the scalp where balding has occurred. This revolutionary process and system uses pneumatic controls to precisely extract complete individual hair follicles which can be immediately transplanted to the selected areas of the scalp. Hair Restoration with NeoGraft technology provides absolute exact harvesting and placement, delivering repeatable results. With NeoGraft’s technology each follicle is removed individually while the patient is comfortable. A natural looking head of hair is created with this minimally-invasive procedure.  Additionally, the procedure is performed under local anesthesia with no intravenous or intra-muscular sedation required.

NeoGraft for hair lossPhoto Credit: Photo courtesy of Dr. Jason Bloom

HB: Who is the best candidate for this?

The best candidates for this method of surgical hair restoration is a middle-aged man (although women are certainly candidates for this procedure when they experience thinning) who is experiencing some thinning/balding of his scalp or recession of the hairline.

HB: How does this treatment compare to others of the same nature?

This advanced technology offers the least invasive procedure for hair transplantation. The fact that there is no scalpel incision, no staples and no linear scar from the procedure makes it different from some of the more traditional types of hair restoration surgery.  The patients experience little to no discomfort from the procedures and the recovery is much easier because the healing is faster, there is less bleeding, fewer complications and there are fewer activity restrictions than traditional strip methods.

HB: What does recovery look like?

Hair loss can be a very emotional part of the natural aging process, and seeking ways to curb this process used to be a challenge. NeoGraft’s advanced technology offers a discrete solution to hair loss, allowing patients to achieve natural-looking results with no linear scar, minimal downtime and a shorter recovery period.  Hair restoration with the NeoGraft procedure is unnoticeable, making it very discrete for those patients not looking to tell anyone. Typical recovery involves about 48-72 hours of swelling in the scalp area and about a week before the donor (area where the follicular units are harvested) scalp hair starts growing back to cover that area.  Grafted hair typically takes about 4-6 months to start growing back with about 9-12 months until the final results are achieved.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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