How Chin Augmentation Can Improve Overall Facial Aesthetics

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk April 19, 2019 By Alejandra Tenorio
Chin Augmentation is a relatively simple, yet very powerful means of improving the aesthetic appearance and balance of the face.  The role of the chin is easily overlooked but it can have a drastic effect on facial aesthetics. When looking at someone’s face, the overall shape and relative proportions are the first things that we notice, and the chin is an important component.

A short or overly broad chin can make the entire face appear shortened and rounded. It can give the impression of a double chin when there isn’t one present, or exaggerate an already present double chin. It can even make the nose appear longer or more protruded. Although the chin is important for both male and female aesthetics, the ideal dimensions differ.

For females, the effect of the chin can be demonstrated by looking at selfie pictures and filters on popular social media apps. Selfie photos taken from the top make the chin appear more tapered through optical illusion. Social media filers will often exaggerate the chin taper to make it appear more attractive. Make-up and contouring techniques also focus on highlighting a tapered chin. In males, this can be seen by the presence of facial hair to exaggerate the presences of the chin and jawline in general.

Augmentation can be achieved through several different methods, each with its positives and negatives. The first and most aggressive is by surgically cutting the bone and moving it forward, then securing it with medical plates. This is called a sliding genioplasty. The major downside to this is that it is a more invasive procedure with higher risks, and must be done under general anesthesia. This is less often the procedure of choice unless a reduction is required, or the patient is already undergoing jaw surgery for other reasons.

Another surgical means of augmentation is by placing an implant. This can be done through the mouth or with a very well-hidden incision under the chin, and it is possible to perform this under local anesthesia. The implants are made from silicone or medpore, and usually determined by the surgeon’s preference. These implants come in many different shapes and sizes, depending on the desired result. An implant will give a permanent augmentation with a lower risk of chin numbness or altered function compared to the sliding genioplasty approach. This is generally a very favorable procedure, but the most common risks are displacement or infection of the implant. Swelling and bruising last for several weeks after the procedure.

The least invasive route for augmentation is with facial fillers. A variety of fillers are acceptable for this region and depend on the physician’s preference and patient goals. Fillers allow us to create any shape we desire through a few injections that are easily performed in the office with topical anesthesia. Another benefit of fillers is that they can be performed incrementally, adding filler until the desired outcome is achieved. Most fillers are reversible; however, it is very rare that such is required when performed by an experienced physician. The recovery is typically from 1 – 7 days and may or may not include bruising and swelling. The major drawback is that the results are temporary, lasting on average 1 -2 years. Also, multiple syringes may be required, especially if a more drastic result is desired.

The same endpoint result can essentially be achieved with all these methods. Most people will end up deciding between an implant and filler augmentation. Filler should be considered if a small alteration is desired and you do not mind repeating the injections in the future on an as needed basis. Fillers are also a great option for those who want an immediate improvement with little or no downtime or have an upcoming event in several weeks. Lastly, fillers are for those who are not sure if chin augmentation will improve their aesthetics, as they can be dissolved or will fade over time. Implants are more ideal for those who require a more significant change, as it can take several syringes of filler, and possibly several sessions to achieve the same results as an implant. In such cases, the decision for augmentation might be more obvious, thus a permanent solution may be better than a temporary one. Those already undergoing surgery, especially for rhinoplasty, should consider an implant as this can be performed at the same time and in proportion to one another.

The bottom line is that chin augmentation can lead to very impressive results through relatively simple means. An experienced and qualified physician can help guide you as to the ideal dimensions and proportions for your individual facial aesthetics. Hopefully, this article helped you understand your options of achieving those results. If you are in doubt, the more conservative and reversible option may be the best choice.

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