H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery Doctors Share Their Greatest Achievements

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk March 21, 2019 By Destinee Hughes


H/K/B Cosmetic Surgery consists of three renowned doctors including Joseph P. Hunstad, Bill G. Kortesis, and Gaurav Bharti. Together they have created a highly sought after practice focusing on several areas of surgery and performing nearly 3,000 procedures yearly. H/K/B sat down with Haute Beauty to share their greatest achievements and the future of their field.

What are your greatest achievements?

Our greatest achievements have been to be able to provide state-of-the-art care for our patients.  We are never satisfied with average and we always try to improve our patient outcomes.  We have pioneered innovative techniques to achieve the best results for our patients.

The future of our field is?

Innovation and improving procedures and outcomes.  This will involve new technology to allow better outcomes with less downtime, less scarring, and using your own tissue.

The most requested procedures are?

Fillers, Botox, Breast Augmentation, Breast lifts, Facelifts, Fat Grafting, Tummy Tucks, Breast Reduction, Body Lifts, Arm Lifts, Thigh lifts, Eyelid lifts, Neck lifts, Skin tightening, Stretch Mark treatments, and Skin Lasers.

What surgical advancements are you most excited about?

Fat Grafting, and Skin Tightening, New generation fillers, refined surgical techniques to achieve natural undetected results (results that the normal person would never know that someone had aesthetic surgery “under the radar” simply look amazing and refreshed).

What are you best known for?

We are best known for being innovators serving to achieve the best result.  We care for our patients like family and ensure that they achieve their personal best every time.  We can take care of a patient from head to toe!

What is your most memorable patient reaction?

Most memorable reactions from a patient are the ones when they truly cannot believe that their result is real and that they have undergone such a massive transformation.  They are truly touched and their lives are fundamentally changed.  These cases really remind us why we do what we do.  It’s amazing!

What sets our practice apart is?

Three top tier aesthetic surgeons with the same vision. And an amazing team focused on one thing: the patient and the best outcome for that patient.

What I love most about my profession is?

Constant innovation and desire to improve outcomes and helping to make patients happy.

Career defining procedure?

Cleft Lip repair.

What new services are you excited to offer?

  • RF Energy based treatments Facetite, bodytite, Profound, Morpheus
  • Revolve Fat Grafting for Face, Buttock, Breasts, Hands
  • Vaser HD Liposuction

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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