6 Questions With Renowned Dermatologist Dr. Lesley Clark-Loeser

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk January 30, 2019 By Alejandra Tenorio

Haute Beauty caught up with Dr. Lesley Clark-Loeser who dished on her greatest achievement, the future of dermatology and more.


My greatest achievement is…

Accepting my own humanness, that not being imperfect is ok.  Perfectionism is upholding an ideal that is not attainable by anyone (that’s human). Instead, we can strive for excellence with humility which embraces our humanness, which is flawed. To fear is human, to fail is human, but to be perfect is not.  And, by accepting this, I hope to model for my most precious gift, my three children, happiness, growth and success. 

The future of my field is…

Beyond bright and exciting.  With regard to aesthetic dermatology, I truly believe that we could not be aging at a better time.  Advances in laser medicine, a broad portfolio of fillers and sophisticated cosmeceuticals, looking ageless, genuinely beautiful, natural, and appropriate is a realistic goal for patients of all skin types.

The biggest misconception about my field is…

Well, a Seinfeld episode comes to mind…we’re not just a bunch of pimple poppers ( although I LOVE treating acne.)

My most requested procedures are…

Related to facial rejuvenation.  Most often these are Botox/Dysport and fillers. 

What are you best known for?

The commitment I have to my patients and their aesthetic and/or medical journeys.  There is not much that I take more seriously than an individual entrusting their health and/or appearance to my care.

What is your most memorable patient reaction?

Tears of happiness.  Tears of happiness and relief from a teenager that just completed a course of Accutane and cannot stop admiring his clear complexion and his standing 2 inches taller.  Or tears of happiness and gratitude from a breast cancer survivor that as a result of laser scar revision no longer minds looking at herself without clothing.  

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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