Discover the Secret to Sleeveless Confidence with Sofwave

News July 10, 2024 By Grace Sarkisian

We know that fitness and health come in ALL shapes and sizes, but summer can still be pretty anxiety-provoking—not to mention unbearably hot. And if you’re one of the many people who would rather cover your upper arms and suffer through the heat and humidity than let them go bare, this info is going to feel as relieving as a cold glass of water: Sofwave can help.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Aestheticare MedSpa

Sofwave Medical has developed an FDA-cleared way of delivering ultrasound energy, designed for patients of all ages, sizes, and skin types that is quickly becoming the gold standard for lifting the brows, the neck, and under the chin while reducing fine lines and wrinkles. Most recently, though, Sofwave was FDA-approved to lift lax skin on the upper arms. Early testing has revealed an astonishing 93 percent improvement rate (confirmed by blinded reviewers who were treated on both upper arms at four different sites in the United States).

According to experts, the upper arms are notoriously difficult to slim down, especially for those who are genetically predisposed to gain weight there. This can be further complicated for women, who, because of hormonal differences, are more likely than men to store fat in their upper arms. And with the rise of rapid weight loss as a result of semaglutide agonists, we’re seeing an even greater need to lift and tone this part of the body. Surgery is an option, of course; in fact, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons’ 2022 Procedural Statistics Release indicates that surgical arm lift procedures grew 25 percent from 2019-2022. But while brachioplasty is effective, the scars it leaves behind—long lines that run from elbow to armpit—are less than ideal. Sofwave is a far better option for those who have a moderate amount of laxity or crepiness.

As for how it works, the science is simple. When we’re born, our skin is practically spring-loaded with collagen and elastin—two essential scaffold proteins that work in tandem to smooth, plump, elasticize, and lift our skin. But collagen and elastin production declines with age, which explains why the arms of our 20s begin to lose their tautness over time.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Sofwave

And this is where Sofwave comes in: Relying on the most innovative version of ultrasound technology available, Sofwave heats the skin’s collagen and elastin reserves to a temperature between 140-160 degrees, triggering a healing response that increases the production of those incredible proteins. The result is lifted arms!

Sofwave is truly remarkable, but you don’t have to take our word for it—Dr. Rishi Chopra, a board-certified dermatologist at NY’s UnionDerm, shares, “I believe Sofwave is the gold standard for lifting lax, crepey skin on the upper arms. What I particularly love about the treatment is its non-invasive nature and the ability to treat large surface areas of the skin during a single treatment.”

Patients can expect to see results three to four weeks after the first treatment, with ongoing improvements over time. This non-surgical solution is suitable for both men and women of all ages, and since Sofwave isn’t melanin-dependent, it’s appropriate for all skin types. Best of all? You can immediately go back to your everyday activities after treatment!

Expert Insights: Dr. Rishi Chopra on Sofwave

To provide a deeper understanding of Sofwave’s impact, we sat down with Dr. Rishi Chopra, a renowned expert in the field. Here’s what he had to say:

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Rishi Chopra

Q: We know the upper arms are difficult to slim down. Is it because some people are genetically predisposed to gain weight there? If so, why?

Dr. Chopra: Yes, there are multiple reasons as to why the upper arms are difficult to slim and tone via diet and exercise alone. There are many factors that we simply cannot control such as genetics and hormonal influences which play a significant role in determining where our bodies tend to accumulate fat. Individuals, especially females, may be genetically predisposed to store fat in the upper arms. Moreover, this area is particularly sensitive to appearing flabby and less toned as we age. The loss of muscle tone weakens the support structures for the skin, causing the skin (which also has lost structural integrity through the depletion of collagen) to droop and sag.

Q: Is your practice using Sofwave for addressing and lifting lax skin on the arms? What do you like about this treatment for arms?

Dr. Chopra: Absolutely. The device uses advanced ultrasound technology to stimulate collagen production, which effectively lifts the skin. Patients appreciate the noticeable improvement in skin texture and firmness, as well as the lack of downtime. When it comes to addressing skin laxity in this area, we do not have many effective treatments in our armamentarium. Moreover, most other devices are limited in the surface area they can cover during a single treatment. There are more definitive alternatives such as surgical brachioplasty which excises excess skin on the arm, but this procedure results in a large, pronounced scar and requires a long, painful recovery. Sofwave on the other hand offers a non-surgical alternative that delivers excellent results without the associated risks and downtime.

Q: How are your patients responding with Sofwave on arms?

Dr. Chopra: My patients have been extremely happy with Sofwave in general. In fact, it is one of my most requested treatments, and the arms are a very popular area that I treat. It is quickly becoming the foundation for my patients’ body contouring journey. Both my younger and older patients have benefited from the improvement in skin tone and firmness, as well as overall arm contour. Patients love that the treatment does not require any downtime, without interruption to their active lifestyle or social life during the summer.

Q: With the rise of rapid weight loss as a result of semaglutide medications, are you seeing a greater need to use Sofwave to lift arms? Can you explain?

Dr. Chopra: Yes, the rise in the use of semaglutide medications for weight loss has unfortunately resulted in a cohort of patients with loose, saggy skin, especially on the upper arms. Semaglutide not only causes rapid fat loss but also results in significant simultaneous muscle loss. Thus, the support structures, the muscle and fat which help counter the downward effects of gravity to keep the skin on the arm lifted, are depleted resulting in sagging skin. We definitely are observing an uptick in cosmetic consultations for this phenomenon. Sofwave has served as an excellent solution for these patients, helping to restore a more toned and youthful appearance without the need for invasive surgery. I usually recommend that patients initiate Sofwave treatments as early as possible during their weight loss journey to mitigate the development of any excess laxity.

Q: Do you agree with this and why: Is Sofwave one of the secrets to a Sleeveless Summer?

Dr. Chopra: Absolutely! Loose, flabby skin on the upper arms has been notoriously difficult to treat in the past. Patients are extremely self-conscious of this area, especially during the summer months and when taking photos. Sofwave fulfills a significant unmet need in the body contouring space, unlocking our ability to non-invasively address sagging skin on a large area of the body such as the arms without downtime.

If you’re ready to experience this firsthand, we’d love to set you up with a treatment. Here’s to a more confident you—just in time for summer.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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