Why Facelifts Can Be Challenging After Non-Surgical Treatments

News June 10, 2024 By Grace Sarkisian

It’s crucial to understand the intricate interplay between various beauty treatments and surgical procedures, particularly facelifts. Contrary to popular belief, not all beauty treatments seamlessly complement facelift procedures; in fact, some can significantly complicate the process.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Fizkes/Shutterstock

Microneedling, Ulthera, Sculptra, and Thermage are among the popular beauty treatments that can pose challenges when combined with facelifts. While these treatments offer their own benefits, they can also induce changes in tissue structure, alter skin quality, affect vascularity, and even contribute to the formation of scar tissue. Such alterations can impact the healing process and overall outcome of a facelift, underscoring the importance of entrusting your procedure to a skilled surgeon who comprehends these complexities.

Enter Dr. Sam Rizk, one of our Haute Beauty experts and a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon based in New York. With a substantial portion of his caseload comprising revision surgeries, Dr. Rizk recognizes the critical significance of precision and expertise in every procedure. Not content with mastering his craft within his practice alone, Dr. Rizk actively disseminates his advanced techniques to fellow surgeons globally.

Dr. Rizk’s commitment to excellence was recently showcased in his keynote lecture at NYU-Langone Medical Center, where he elucidated his groundbreaking deep plane facelift method. Emphasizing the need for meticulous surgeon selection, Dr. Rizk highlighted the formidable challenges associated with correcting botched procedures.

Moreover, Dr. Rizk’s dedication to advancing the field of facial rejuvenation extends beyond lectures and presentations. His innovative approaches were prominently featured at the 2024 AAFPRS Rhinoplasty & Facial Rejuvenation meeting and the New York Facelift Masterclass, where he shared insights and techniques with peers.

Looking ahead, Dr. Rizk remains at the forefront of surgical innovation, slated to demonstrate his rapid recovery deep plane vertical facelift technique live at the upcoming Baker Gordon 2025 conference. Through his unwavering commitment to sharing knowledge and refining techniques, Dr. Rizk continues to elevate standards within the realm of facial plastic surgery, ensuring that patients receive unparalleled care and optimal outcomes.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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