Gain Control Of Your Health With Nutritionist Expert Janna Johnson

Entrepreneur, Haute Partners March 17, 2024 By Haute Beauty

If you’re dealing with Lyme disease, gut issues, struggling to reach your goal weight, or not sure what and how to eat, Holistic Nutritionist Janna Johnson is here to help you feel your best. Continue reading to find out how.

Photo Credit: Janna Johnson

Are you struggling with autoimmune disease, brain fog, anxiety, depression, imbalanced hormones, fatigue, or not-so-fun gut issues? Feel like someone is manipulating the controller of your health, and you’re stuck behind the screen? Health struggles of any capacity can greatly impact our overall well-being, and when we’re simply not feeling our best, our life becomes a reflection of that. Did you know six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease? I know — that number seems too high it’s hard to comprehend. But the reality is too many unhealthy choices are being made in people’s day-to-day lives, and not enough proper attention is being brought to the impact the right food can make on our bodies.

Janna Johnson, Founder of Revive by Janna, has been in your shoes before and knows first-hand how debilitating health issues are. Johnson wants to change the narrative that seems to be “normal” in today’s society, which is that of people living their lives not feeling their best, struggling with anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue, and bloating, like that is the new norm. As Johnson says, “Your body speaks to you through symptoms and left ignored, your body will start screaming at you until you listen and take action.” That’s why she chose to make it her mission to help people experiencing similar things she did so they can start living their lives rather than surviving them.

And no, this isn’t another fad diet.

“As a Holistic Nutritionist, I help my clients uncover the root cause of their unwanted symptoms. I primarily focus on gut health as our gut health dictates our brain health and immune system,” Johnson says. She believes in “heal your gut, heal your body.” And in turn, “heal your mind, free your life.” This couldn’t be more true. Your gut microbiome plays a major role in your overall physical and mental health, so much so that experts often refer to it as the “second brain.”

Johnson’s “second brain” was thrown in the dryer and set on high for many years until she reached the peak of her adversities and finally saw everything from a sweeping perspective. Looking down, she saw her life wrought with extreme adversity and limiting beliefs. Experiences of severe anxiety and depression rooted in her upbringing, a life-altering battle with Lyme disease, and a traumatic divorce were all she had known for the past several years. But she trudged her way up to the top and, since reaching it, has never felt better.

Her most eye-opening revelation?

She can help others achieve this, too.

Today, Johnson is the author of UNF*CK YOUR MIND: Shatter Your Limiting Beliefs to Become Who You Were Meant to Be, a #1 Best Seller & #1 New Release in multiple categories, which takes readers on a journey alongside her past afflictions as she reveals her inspiring transformation from victim to victor, a message carried throughout everything she does.

Johnson is also an inspirational speaker, podcast host, mindset expert, and holistic nutritionist, dedicated to helping people be in control of their health.

“Living with an invisible disease was the most painful type of judgment because I was telling people how I felt, but because the things I spoke about when I was asked were all mental symptoms, and I looked like how I always did when I was well prior to Lyme, no one understood or believed me.” If you’re walking the same lonely path, feeling like you’re surrounded by a never-ending vastness, you’re not alone. Johnson hears and sees you and wants you to know there is a way out with her training, knowledge, and lived experience.

That’s where Revive by Janna comes in. She offers 1:1 Nutrition Services—step one of her 3 or 6-month programs—which provide individual 50-minute coaching sessions every 2 weeks covering discussions on food, exercise, and stress. You can either choose to start the 3-Month Revive Starter or 6-Month Total Revive or, if you want to ease your way into it, Johnson offers an Initial Consultation. During this 60-minute call, she will assess your current health situation and your ultimate goals to feel your best.

The difference? There’s zero pressure to sign up—you can simply book an Initial Consultation that will last anywhere from 75-90 minutes and receive Johnson’s professional guidance ranging from a lifestyle assessment, sleep & stress review, recommended blood work tests, meal and snack guide, comprehensive written plan & goals, and much more.

Photo Credit: Janna Johnson

If you’re looking for a more comprehensive program, the 3 and 6-month options are for you. With Johnson’s help, you could have more energy, better sleep, a clearer head, and even undergo a complete transformation of breaking bad habits and forming new ones. But this isn’t a quick fix. She emphasizes the importance of putting in the work, being consistent, and staying the course to see change.

You may be wondering, why work with Johnson?

“My most important teachers are my own personal experiences with invisible diseases and illnesses. No school in existence can teach one what it’s like to be so sick you can’t function only to come back to better health than before,” she shares.

Don’t take Johnson’s word for it; the testimonials speak for themselves:

“There are a lot of people out there that claim they can help. Very few actually can. JANNA CAN!! She puts so much care, love, and attention into everything she does … Not only did she help me with coming up with a plan to support my health, adrenaline fatigue, and thyroid issues, but she also sent me a nutritional guide and specific instructions to change how I feel! … She has changed my life for the better, and I know she can do the same for you!”Amberly.

It’s time to take control of your health and feel your best. With Janna Johnson’s help, she’ll get you there.

Book a free 25-minute Discovery session to learn more.

Written in partnership with Tom White

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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