Haute Beauty Experts’ Love For Their Field Will Have Your Hearts Melting

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk March 1, 2023 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Plastic surgeons, dermatologists, medical spas, and beauty experts across all specalities have the opportunity to make a significant impact on their patients’ lives. Whether it is reconstructing a crooked nose, getting rid of a patient’s acne scars, or working to improve a deformity caused by an injury or disease, each expert has the rare opportunity to use their skills and make an impact on a person forever.

In awe of the incredible results that experts can provide their patients, Haute Beauty spoke with our Haute Beauty and MD experts to discuss what they love most about their field of medicine because we sure know what patients love, and that’s the result.

Dr. Frank Lalezar | Breast | New York

Valentine’s day is a day of love, which is expressed in a variety of ways, and I believe one of the most important ways to express love is self-love or love for oneself. Self-love comes from a place of confidence and appreciation for yourself, both inside and out. As a Plastic Surgeon, I see men and women every day who come into our office who are self-conscious about certain aspects of their bodies. With the procedures I do, I see a dramatic change not only in the physical appearance of my patients but also in their confidence. I see a brighter smile, a bigger laugh, and increased self-confidence that shows that they not only love their bodies, but they love themselves as well.

For more information, visit Dr. Lalezar’s website or Instagram!

Dr. Susan B. Fox | Medical Aesthetics | Fort Lauderdale, FL

There is so much I love about my job but the one thing that stands out is being able to have such a positive impact on the lives of so many of our patients. I know this sounds cliche but so many patients write us notes, send us cards and come in so thankful that their legs look and feel better. Many have had symptoms for years and the procedures we provide relieve their discomfort and help their legs feel less achy and heavy, the injections can help improve their cosmetic appearance as well. I also love that we have expanded the practice to provide many cosmetic services that complement vein treatments.

For more information, visit Dr. Fox’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Daisy Ayim | Body | Houston

One thing that I absolutely love about my profession is having the privilege of hearing about my clients’ personal journeys and how much pursuing cosmetic services means to them. I believe that by actively listening to their concerns, I can make them feel seen and heard throughout the entire process. In fact, these conversations often evolve into trusted relationships, as my clients appreciate the opportunity to open up and share their concerns with me.

For more information, visit Dr. Ayim’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Sam Rizk | Face | Manhattan, NY

The words “plastic surgery” have a way of conjuring the physical stuff—the desire to look better, the before-and-after photos, the vanity of it all. But that’s not why I got into this field. For me, plastic surgery is all about confidence. It’s about restoring that mind-body connection so the reflection patients see in the mirror matches the way they feel inside. And because much of my work as a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon spotlights the face—rhinoplasties, neck lifts, lip lifts, deep plane facelifts—my intention isn’t to completely alter the way someone looks but to enhance the unique features they already have. It’s very precise, hyper-focused work, and since the goal is always an unquestionably natural result, it’s imperative that I learn the subtle nuances of every patient. In that way, it’s less about surgery and more about sculpture. Sculpture and confidence. What’s not to love?

For more information, visit Dr. Rizk’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Brian K. Machida | Face | Los Angeles

First, I love being able to help people achieve their goals and dreams. I love hearing my patient’s stories about how young they look. Second, the mental challenge to innovate is still present after 33 years. I’m still focused on finding better nuances to improve my surgical results and believe it or not, I’m still finding ways to tweak my procedures when faced with unusual anatomy. For me, surgery is still exciting.

For more information, visit Dr. Machida’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Yaritza Arriaga-O’Neill | Emergency Medicine | Davenport, FL

As I brainstorm what the best Valentine’s Day would be like, I realized it wouldn’t be a glass of wine, champagne, chocolate strawberries, or just company. It would be self-love and self-care, especially with the crazy busy, fast-paced life I have been living these days.

While taking a look at the field of medicine I am in, I can confidently say that I love both emergency and aesthetics as it allows me to flourish creatively. It also allows me to know my patients, guide them, and bring them a healthy glow. Whether I volumize lips or apply wrinkle-reduction toxins, it excited me to see my patients happy and confident. It is amazing what a big smile and a rejuvenated face can do for a patient! That is what I love and wish to provide everyone on Valentine’s Day and beyond!

For more information, visit Dr. Arriaga’s websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Jeffrey Lisiecki | Nose | New York

It’s hard to narrow it down to just one thing! I truly love doing surgery, solving challenging problems, striving for perfection, and pushing myself toward better and better outcomes. That being said, the thing that I love most about my field is working with my patients, helping them achieve their goals, and seeing how happy they are with their results. There is nothing more satisfying than when a patient loves their result and you can see how their joy and self-confidence affect their lives in so many different, positive ways. To me, this is the most rewarding part of being a plastic surgeon.

For more information, visit Dr. Lisiecki’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Alton Ingram | Body | Nashville, TN

As a cosmetic surgeon, I have the privilege of helping my patients look and feel their best every day that I go to work! By focusing only on the surgical procedures that give the most dramatic results, I strive to make sure each operation is potentially life-changing for every patient. I take great pride in the work that my entire team does. We always put our patients first and make it our mission every day to provide the safest, most effective procedures with the highest patient satisfaction rates.

From start to finish, there’s nothing quite like watching people transform right before your eyes—it truly is what I love most about being a cosmetic surgeon! It fills me with pride knowing that I can help my patients look and feel their absolute best—that’s why I do this job!

For more information, visit Dr. Ingram’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Oliver Chang | Brazilian Butt Lift | Miami, FL

Passionately, I think and believe what most doctors would agree on – is the love of helping people. This can be done in many different ways in medicine but as a surgeon, I am able to use my skill sets via my hands to create positive changes through surgery. For both cosmetic/aesthetic and reconstructive cases – the outcome is to always try to improve whatever the current problem is and make it better surgically. This can be for functional and/or aesthetic reasons from head to toe. The ability to brainstorm, reimagine the same end-goal vision as the person; then recreate our vision through the art of surgery – is what drives me to love my field immensely.

For more information, visit Dr. Chang’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Reana Myers, Careaga Plastic Surgery | Body | Miami, FL

The thing that I love the most about my field is that there is a perfect balance between practicing medicine and art at the same time. When patients look good, they feel good, and this is very rewarding to me.

For more information, visit Careaga Plastic Surgery’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. S. Alexander Earle | Body | Miami, FL

What I love about the field of plastic surgery is the variety. My days always feel new and exciting, the patients are unique, and every procedure is tailored specifically for personal results.

The staff at PURE is full of life and we find ways to bring joy into the office. We celebrate each other’s wins, milestones, and achievements all while making sure our patients feel seen, heard and supported. We work together to create social media posts, respond to patient inquiries, and find opportunities for learning. This variety in the workplace keeps us positive, motivated and inspired.

Each week as I am prepping for the scheduled cases, I look at the patients’ files – their life stories, current bodies, and what they want to change. Even if I conduct the same procedures in one day, because each patient has specific goals and a unique starting point, the surgeries and the experiences are never the same. This drives our team to be creative, thoughtful, and disciplined in our approach because there is no “one size fits all” in this field. We have to get to know our patients and their goals so we can deliver the best results.

For more information, visit Dr. Earle’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Jason Bloom | Face | Philadelphia

All of my patients, family & friends know how passionate I am about my job and the field of facial plastic surgery.  The thing that I love the MOST about facial plastic surgery, and my job, in particular, is the variety!  I see patients of all different ages, ranging from young patients seeking rhinoplasty, neck liposuction, chin augmentation, otoplasty & injectables, to my more mature patients looking for aging face surgery like blepharoplasty, brow lifts and facelifts. Not only do I see women in my practice, but men have been coming in with much more frequency in recent times. Things like hair restoration with transplantation, blepharoplasty, injectables, and rhinoplasty top the list for my male patients.

Additionally, I love the balance of my surgery and office schedule. Although I do surgery 3 full days a week, I still like seeing patients in the office for follow-ups or other treatments. While I do not take new patients for injectables, I still have some long-term patients that request these non-surgical treatments from me and it is nice to see them and catch up on their lives. Also, the contrast between clinical patient care and teaching/mentorship that I have in my practice continues to excite me! I get to teach and train the facial plastic surgery fellow at the University of Pennsylvania as the co-director of the fellowship.  They are in the operating room with me and learn the skills that I once learned as a fellow in New York. I also train and teach the residents in Otolaryngology, Dermatology & Plastic Surgery at the University of Pennsylvania and Temple University Hospital.

It is an honor to train these groups of bright young doctors and pass my knowledge on to the next generation. Finally, my academic appointments and affiliations allow me to continue to author academic journal articles and book chapters and stay in the know of the latest procedures and evidence-based medicine. When I look back, it is really not just the field of facial plastic surgery that I love, it is my JOB and the variety that I have created that makes me enthusiastic every day!

For more information, visit Dr. Bloom’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Kiran Mian, Hudson Dermatology and Laser Surgery | Skin | New York

Like with anything we love, there isn’t just one thing I love about dermatology. The procedures that cure skin cancer, the problem-solving to absolve a rash, and the creativity exercised when creating skincare regimens are all things I love daily. Most importantly, I love the way practicing dermatology makes me feel–fulfilled, accomplished, and like I’m making a difference. My patients come to me with medical skin conditions, yet so much more than that. Their quality of life is affected, at times even their self-esteem, the way they see themselves, and the way they relate to others. My favorite thing about dermatology is the difference we make in people’s lives, by uplifting how they feel about themselves. As a dermatologist, my goal is to help my patients be the best version of themselves. I love that dermatology is not just skin-deep.

For more information, visit Dr. Mian’s website and Instagram!

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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