What Are The Different Types Of Permanent Fat Removal Options?

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk February 23, 2023 By Brooke Klaiman

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Liposculpting, liposuction, or anything with lipo- in it, involves the removal of excess fat from specific areas of the body. However, there are some differences between the two procedures. Here Haute Beauty expert Dr. Frank Lalezar discusses each in detail.

What is liposculpting?

Liposculpting, also known as high-definition liposculpting, is a body contouring technique that targets specific areas of the body to create a more toned and defined appearance. The technique uses advanced liposuction methods, including ultrasound-assisted liposuction and skin tightening technology, along with novel fat grafting techniques, to precisely remove fat from targeted areas and sculpt the body to give you a natural, fit, and beautiful result.

What is the main difference between liposculpting and liposuction?

The primary difference between traditional liposuction and high-definition liposculpting is the level of precision and control. With traditional liposuction, the goal is to remove excess fat from the body in a general sense. High-definition liposculpting, on the other hand, is specifically designed to target and sculpt specific areas of the body, such as the abdominal muscles or the buttocks, to create a more defined and chiseled appearance. Liposculpting also goes one step further in potentially using the same fat to enhance other portions of your body, including the breasts, buttocks, and hips.

Who makes an ideal candidate for liposculpting?

Healthy men and women who have unwanted pockets of fat in various parts of the body and may be looking to augment or improve the appearance of certain parts of their bodies are excellent candidates for lipo sculpting. We often have patients who maintain a healthy diet and exercise, but they struggle to lose stubborn fat in certain areas. Liposculpting helps to give them that extra boost to contour many areas of the body including the chin and/or jawline, arms, male chest, abdomen and waist, hips, buttocks, and legs, to give patients the natural, fit, and elegant appearance they want. Additionally, patients who want to enhance or augment certain areas of their bodies can take the same fat that was removed from one area and transfer it to the breasts, buttocks, hips, and even the face to achieve a natural and more aesthetically pleasing appearance.

Another important factor is the quality of your skin. Ideal liposculpting patients have firm and elastic skin so that the skin will naturally retract following the removal of the deep-lying fat. However, if you have mild amounts of excess skin, your procedure can be combined with skin tightening technology to help improve the natural retraction of the skin so that your final result exceeds your expectations!

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What is the downtime associated with each procedure?

Liposculpting is an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day. My patients are given a compression garment to wear around the treatment areas to help reduce swelling and properly contour their bodies to their new shape. During the first few days of recovery, you can expect moderate pain and soreness. Most patients can return to work after a few days. I recommend that all patients wear their compression garments 24/7 for 6 weeks and then transition to 12 hours a day for the following 4 weeks after surgery. Additionally, I recommend that all physical activity including heavy lifting and exercise be restricted for 4 weeks. Another important component of recovery is lymphatic massages, which I recommend patients begin one to two days after surgery. This is important to help reduce swelling and accelerate the healing process.

What makes you unique in how you approach liposculpting?

As a plastic surgeon with many years of experience, I have learned to understand how to combine art and science to create the ideal body for our patients. Like a true sculptor, I am using your natural anatomy and tissue to sculpt your body into the ideal form. While liposuction often used to be confined to address limited areas of the body such as the abdomen, with today’s novel technology we are now able to utilize a full-body approach to sculpting your body to get outstanding results. With my extensive experience, I have now created a novel procedure known as FinesseSculptTM, which combines ultrasound technology with my unique lipo sculpting technique and innovative skin tightening technology to truly sculpt any portion of the body from head to toe, and give our patients elegant, natural, and beautiful results. As one of the nation’s leading specialists in lipo sculpting, I’m happy to answer your questions about our unique treatments to get you the results that you desire. Visit our website at www.DrLalezar.com to learn more.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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