AviClear By Cutera: The Acne Treatment That Seems Light Years Away 

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk November 30, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Have you tried everything in the book to get rid of your mild to severe acne? When the toothpaste trick, spot treatments, face masks, cortisone shots, prescriptions, Accutane, and the endless amounts of other at-home remedies don’t work, here’s what will work. Experts at Xanadu Med Spa introduce AviClear by Cutera. This one-of-a-kind acne treatment is the future of clear skin. The AviClear device is the first and only FDA-cleared energy device used to clear mild to severe acne, giving patients the safe, healthy treatment of the future, today. 

Who’s A Candidate?

Candidates for AviClear can be vast, considering this treatment is prescription-free. The treatment can be a great solution for those who suffer from mild to severe acne. Whether you experience long-term acne or short-term breakouts, AviClear is available to all.

Treatment Time

The treatment time needed for an effective AviClear treatment is unbeatable. Within just three quick 30-minute sessions, acne can be significantly and visibly reduced. Subtle results are visible immediately and improve over time.

Photo Credit: AviClear

How It Works

In simple terms, AviClear runs on the power of light. It uses a 1726 nm wavelength, better understood as “laser light,” to selectively target acne right at the source. The use of this specific light suppresses the sebaceous glands, or the glands that cause acne breakouts, as it is directed across the skin, reducing discoloration and swelling. The light technology is used in combination with AviCoolTM. With this contact cooling process, patients have nothing to worry about as their comfort is prioritized throughout the treatment session.

AviClear doesn’t just help the prevailing breakout. It sets patients up for a future of clear skin. Post-treatment, it has been proven in clinical trials that after the suggested amount of treatment sessions, the current breakout and those in the future are much shorter and less harsh. When it comes to the immediate results, they may look good at first, but to many patients’ surprise, the affected areas continue to improve over time. This occurs even after treatment proving the treatment’s long-term efficacy.


AviClear provides an immediate reduction of current acne. it also reduces further breakouts and breakout intensity. Most patients have responded well to the treatment, with around 80% of patients reporting a reduction of 50% and 90% of patients stating they were satisfied or very satisfied with the results just one month after treatment. These facts mean that AviClear acne treatments show promising results and a massive improvement of an acne patient’s symptoms for up to six months.

If you are a patient who has tried other options like Accutane, you might know that you can never be guaranteed a treatment will work, and sometimes this means AviClear might require several rounds of treatments.

On condition that you are dealing with acne, call Xanadu Med Spa today to speak to one of their skilled estheticians and book a consultation at 970-591-7919.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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