A Doctor And An Author: The Story Behind Dr. Anna Chacon’s Inspirational Children’s Book

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk November 17, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

A doctor and an author. Haute Beauty expert Dr. Anna Chacon is clearly one of many talents! Have you caught glimpse of her very own Annita’s Journey Towards Becoming A Doctor? This short, kid-friendly story highlights Annita’s big dreams and high hopes of becoming a doctor, and how her young age and minority, did not stop her. As the words tell all, you’ll become inspired — just like we did — which is why we sat down with Dr. Chacon to learn more. From the core inspiration to the key takeaways, you’re about to know it all.

Haute Beauty: What was the core inspiration behind the book?

Dr. Anna Chacon: My core inspiration is my father, a Cuban refugee who became one of the most successful doctors in Miami. He started the pediatric critical care unit at Baptist Hospital of Miami and directed it for over 30 years. He is the one who introduced me to the field of medicine at a very young age. Annita, the main character of the story, is supposed to represent a young minority girl who finds herself interested in medicine but is underrepresented in this field as she goes through different stages of life. This is very true in the medical field – minority women are the most underrepresented group. This is the main reason why I wrote the book so that these children who were also in my shoes have something to inspire and encourage them to pursue their goals and dreams. Having been exposed to the hospital at a very young age through my father ignited my passion to care for others. My difficult experience becoming a doctor and dermatologist as a minority female is what led me to write this book to encourage other women who are in my shoes.

HB: If there were one takeaway, you’d want readers to walk away with, what would it be and why?

AC: My target audience for this book is young minority children, both girls, and boys. The goal is to never give up on your dreams no matter how hard it is to achieve and to dream big, even if people are telling you the opposite or that you can’t make it — as I was often told thousands of times, although I graduated valedictorian and worked as hard as I could.

I also would like the parents to know that they are the main character of what their children will become and that they should never stop supporting their children’s dreams, no matter how hard or unreachable they may seem, because oftentimes it seemed like that for me too. They are their children’s vessels to help them achieve their goals and aspirations.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Amazon

HB: What made you want to write a kid-friendly book?

AC: Children are the future of our generation. Writing a kid-friendly book is fun and having kids read them and keeping the end goal in mind — the light at the end of the tunnel — Annita’s inspiring story as their inspiration so that they would never forget until they grow up. This book will be passed on to the next generations, and I hope to share it with elementary schools, public libraries, and children’s hospitals in the near future.

HB: If there was one line in the book that you’d want everyone to read – which would it be and why?

AC: It is on page 14 that Annita is always grateful for the opportunities that come her way. Being grounded after all that I have achieved and giving back to the community is one way of showing my appreciation for all my achievements in life. At times the opportunity seemed to disappear, but after trying my best, I can now say that more opportunities have come my way than I could have ever asked.

HB: Other than Amazon – where can the book be purchased?

AC: You can also visit my social media accounts. It is available on my shops on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and GoogleMyBusiness or on a google search for my name too. You can also visit Kindle too, which offers a significant discount — I believe it may even be accessible as a kindle member. It is also available in paperback in English and Spanish to reach a diverse audience of all backgrounds.

HB: Do you plan on writing other books in the future?

AC: Writing is one of my other passions, and I find time for it. I am currently working on another book to be out in a few months. It will be similar to a teledermatology atlas that could help medical students and aspiring dermatologists. As the only dermatologist with 53 licenses (all U.S. states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam), I have patients from all of these locations and am able to document the interesting cases I see online from a geographically diverse population.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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