The Five Simple Solutions To Cure Dreadful Dry Mouth

Beauty, Wellness October 26, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

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Dry, parched, and desperate for just a drop of water, no one wants to suffer from the dessert-like dehydration of a dry mouth. The uncomfortable and oddly unexplainable sandpaper feeling is not something anyone would enjoy. Instead of calling up your dentist, the cure to your problems are all right here. Thankfully for Manhattan-based Haute Beauty expert, Dr. Mimi Yeung of M.Y. Dental Spa, we have numerous ways to avoid and eliminate the dreadful dry mouth symptoms. Let’s check out some solutions.

1. Chew Sugar-free Gum

Chewing gum is a great way to encourage wetness in the mouth. The chewing motion of the jaw and teeth stimulates saliva production the same way it does when eating food. Gum that is sugar-free is a healthier alternative to the common gum that is filled with unnecessary sugar that can damage our teeth.

2. Suck on Sugar-free Candy

Similarly to chewing sugar-free gum, sugar-free candy does the trick as well. If you suck on candy, it generates more moisture in the mouth by producing saliva without added sugars.

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3. Cut out the Caffeine

Although you may need your daily pick-me-up Starbucks run, caffeine can significantly contribute to dry mouth. Limiting, or even completely eliminating caffeine intake all together, it can also eliminate dry mouth.

4. Stop Using Tobacco Products

Whether it is smokeless tobacco products or cigarettes, tobacco is another big contributor to dry mouth. If you use tobacco and have a problem with dry mouth, it’s a good idea to quit using these products. Not only can tobacco cause dry mouth, but they are exceedingly detrimental to oral health in general.

5. Drink Lots of Water

Last, is the obvious solution that first comes to mind when thinking about quenching the thirst of a dry mouth. Because dry mouth is a product of dehydration, Drinking lots of water and other fluids will likely improve dry mouth.

A dry mouth may be unpleasant, but it is often nothing to worry about too much. The issue can be easily solved with these simple solutions. However, if the problem persists, feel free to stop by Dr. Mimi Yeung’s office in New York City to get expert advice on how to solve your dry mouth.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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