The Tricks To Maintaining Healthy Skin Without Many Products

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk December 14, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Haute Beauty expert Dr. Amy B. Lewis couldn’t have said it better herself “sometimes the simplest things are the best for our skin.” These are the six ways to maintain healthy skin and naturally improve your complexion, without many products.

1. Wash (or change) your pillowcases weekly

Even if you wash your face before bed, it is advised to change your pillowcase weekly. When you think about all the dirt that built up on your pillowcase, you’ll begin to understand why changing your pillowcase might be ideal, especially if you want to avoid breakouts.

2. Drink more water

Water, water, and more water. If you haven’t caught a glimpse of the famous Amazon water bottle that reminds you to drink your water in hourly increments, you should probably take a look. The adequate daily fluid intake is around seven glasses a day. You should drink between half an ounce of water for each pound you weigh.

3. Avoid the sun

As much as you might want to roast your skin in the sun to achieve that glow, don’t. The UV rays do nothing to your skin but harm it. Wear sunscreen daily; a hat and sunglasses will help with extra protection.

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4. Clean makeup brushes weekly

Daily use of your makeup brushes accumulates dust, product buildup, dead skin cells, and impurities that can include bacteria that will cause breakouts and irritation. When you clean your makeup brushes in lukewarm water and soap, you’ll strip them of harmful bacteria.

5. Disinfect cell phone daily

You go to the bathroom and bring your phone in it with you. Though you wash your hands afterward, you probably touched your phone between the time you sat in the bathroom and picked up your next phone. Did you clean your phone? No. Your phone is the most touched item throughout the day. When you do not clean it, you are exposed to all germs and placing them up against your face—a recipe for acne.

6. Wash your face every day

Whether it is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning, the last thing you do before your head hits the pillow at night, or both, wash your face daily! Being out and about all day exposes you to dirt, oil, and debris that covers your face, hiding the fresh look you can achieve.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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