An Exclusive Interview With Maria Bartiromo – FOX Business Host, Fashionista And Beauty Enthusiast

News October 13, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Courtesy of FOX

On October 15th, FOX Business will have dominated the television space for 15 years, and they have their incredible team of producers, hosts, reporters, and staff to thank. In the excitement of their successful years, we sat down with Maria Bartiromo, a pioneer of the space and among the higher-rated non-primetime anchors on the air. Bartiromo has made a substantial impact on the growth of CNBC – earning the famous moniker “Money Honey” during her tenure there and has helped drive FOX Business to be the #1 network in TV – surpassing her former alma mater.

Aside from her business wins, she is known for her fashion-forward trends that she has continued to bring on the air. While everyone was wearing cutouts, it only made sense for her to do the same, in a business-styled way. Making a statement in the fashion world, Bartiromo has also impressed the beauty industry with her skincare routine, using ocean water to wash her face daily. Have you ever heard of such? Giving a standing ovation to Bartiromo and all of her successes, here are the questions we just had to ask her.

Haute Beauty: Describe when you knew you wanted to be a news anchor on television. 

Maria Bartiromo: I was a field producer at CNN during the early days of CNN when we were covering a major news event as it was happening and that was the First Gulf War. This was Ted Turner’s CNN and very different than it is today. We were taking chances and trying things that had never been tried before, like covering the war as it was unfolding 24/7. At that time, there was no Fox News or all-day live news and the major networks were not doing news all day long but only at 6:30 p.m. nightly. I realized I wanted to be in the middle of the action and I had a knack for getting information and talking to people to find out what is happening. That’s when I decided I wanted to put my own tape together.

HB: Unfortunately, it is known being a female in the industry is an uphill battle and comes with its fair share of hurdles. With over three decades of experience under your belt, are there still any glass ceilings you wish to shatter?

MB: Yes, women are still the minority in many industries, but things have improved. I was proud to be a pioneer, breaking into the New York Stock Exchange as the first person to broadcast live from the NYSE floor. It enabled me to help pave the way for others and today there are many women on the NYSE and on Wall Street overall. I always felt it was important not to be a victim and to just keep my head down and “own the job.” In other words, learn and understand the content and the job and do it better than anyone would and not worry about the barriers to being a woman. I did not allow any of that to get in my way. There will always be ceilings. But the most important glass ceiling to break is the imaginary one over your head. Compete with yourself and make sure you are better today than you were a year earlier and so on and so on. Run your own race and don’t get tripped up by others around you.

HB: What do you consider the proudest moment of your career?

MB: Having the courage to seek out the truth from Wall Street to Washington. It takes courage to stand away from the crowds, but I have always prioritized my viewers and tried to democratize information. I did it when I broke open the morning call on Wall Street to ensure individual investors were hearing the big Wall Street morning calls that would move stocks at the same time the institutions were receiving the information while on the floor of the NYSE. And I did it again when I got to FOX by sniffing out the Russia collusion story that was made up. It was simply one political campaign trying to take down another and I saw through it and made sure my viewers had the truth. I am proud of the two Emmys I received as well: one for my coverage of the economic collapse in 2007 and the other for the privacy lapses at Google and the impact of Google anonymizing people’s data. Also being on Wall Street during 9/11 and staying down there to ensure viewers knew who was safe and what had taken place was also a moment I’ll never forget.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of FOX

HB: Current events have been typically divisive over the past 10 years. How do you keep an objective on the news amid the tense climate we have grown accustomed to?

MB: I try to speak to as many people as possible on every story to best understand different angles and opinions. Sometimes it’s better to just not speak and listen to ensure I understand all perspectives. I’m trying to do more of that.

HB: On a lighter note, you’re known for fabulous style on air. How do you balance trendy, fashion-forward clothing while still not making it the show star?

MB: I would like to think my style is elegant and chic but not too much and not “in your face.” I like to add a sparkle of fine jewelry when I can or a splash of color, but I usually keep my look to clean lines and do not like anything too busy.

HB: With fashion comes beauty; what makes you feel the most beautiful?

MB: I feel most beautiful when I am in shape, exercising, and feeling healthy. Wellness comes from the inside, and it makes a big difference. So when you live a healthy lifestyle, in terms of your diet and exercise, you can wear less makeup and feel beautiful.

HB: Word on the street, you stand by washing your face with ocean water daily. How’d you get into this routine? Is there anything else you do for your skin?

MB: I love the ocean and feel ocean air and water are good for your skin and your soul. My routine is a long walk on the beach or a bike ride as much as possible (a few days a week). Feeling stronger comes across on your skin not just your body! Sleep is critical and stay out of the sun as much as possible!

HB: What is the one beauty treatment you could not live without?  

MB: I wash my eye makeup off with Johnson’s baby shampoo. I use Q-tips to get the makeup off, and it gives me a truly clean result. It’s very important to wash all the makeup off fully every day. I find this beauty secret is important but be careful it doesn’t become too drying.

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