The Most Bizarre Requests Plastic Surgeons Have Received

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk July 27, 2022 By Haute Beauty

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Take a scroll through Instagram, and what do you see? Perfect noses, extra large breasts, and slim thick bodies. Might that be all of it? No, but it stands out. Extra, above and beyond, whatever you’d like to coin it, these few examples of many have proven that people have taken the gift of plastic surgery to the ultimate extreme. Notably, plastic surgery is not all about the in-your-face additions or fixes that you’d undergo, as some are not external, but when they are, it’s noticeable.

As a prominent topic of interest, Haute Beauty sat down with our Haute Beauty experts to ask them what the most unusual plastic surgery request they have received from a patient was and let’s just say their answers did not come as a surprise. Here’s what they said:

Dr. Brian K. Machida | Face | Los Angeles

Fortunately, in my practice, we specialize in facelifts and there aren’t too many outrageous ways to do a facelift. The typically unusual request would be if someone who was 60 wanted to look 21. I would advise them to have realistic expectations, although I have made someone who was 50 look like they’re 21. At any rate, I did receive a request from a 24-year-old to do a facelift to lift the corners of her mouth. I advised her against it because it wouldn’t look good, and it was against my principles to do surgery on a young patient to do a focused, ill-advised result. Plus, I don’t want to be associated with this type of request. If I advise against surgery, I do not do it, as was the case with this patient. I advised fillers in her case.

I later found out that someone else did her surgery. I still ponder about any nonmedical motivations which doctors might have to tip the scales toward surgery. I’ll never really know. I just have stood by my principles.

For more information, visit Dr. Machida’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Paul Durand, Careaga Plastic Surgery | Body | Miami/Fort Lauderdale

Breast augmentation is one of the most commonly performed procedures here at the practice. Breast augmentation, like all other procedures, are customized to address the wants and needs of each patient. Therefore, it is common for us to get various requests regarding sizing. Nonetheless, one of the most unusual requests I’ve gotten for a breast augmentation surgery was when a patient requested an implant size between 800cc and 1000cc. The patient expressed to us that her ideal look entailed very large breasts and that she felt the largest size recommended wouldn’t be big enough for her. As a result, I did not move forward with the procedure. As a plastic surgeon, it is very important for me to educate my patients on the potential risks of breast implants above the average size. Risks associated with large implants include pain, the potential need for future surgery, and aesthetic concerns.

For more information, visit Careaga Plastic Surgery’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Daisy Ayim | Body | Houston

The most unusual plastic surgery request in our practice was to alter vaginal introitus diameter, which was already normal, to make it much narrower to improve sensation during coitus. An in-depth discussion of the anatomy of the vulvovaginal area and the long-term implications of such a request was addressed with the patient. Although feminine aesthetic plastic surgery is often requested in our practice, this particular request was deeply emotional driven and did not warrant surgical intervention. Non-invasive treatment solution with radiofrequency using votiva device, platelet-rich plasma injections, and sexual health counseling were addressed with the patient. Overall, the patient was satisfied with the treatment solutions and expressed gratitude for not having surgery.

For more information, visit Dr. Ayim’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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