Camila Coelho On The Magic Of Pregnancy

Celebrity, News July 27, 2022 By Stephanie DiGuiseppe

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Entrepreneur and fashion influencer, Camila Coelho is in the ninth month of her pregnancy and the journey has been everything beautiful and transformative all at once. Coelho is expecting her first child, a baby boy, with her husband Icaro Coelho. Elle recently captured an ethereal Camila and her pregnancy. She told Elle how she “fully embraced” how pregnancy is changing her body, “I was honestly very comfortable in my own skin, seeing my belly grow. I know on social media so many people talk about how fit I am and the six-pack and all that, but I was excited to see my body change and see the progress.” 

Transparency was the main focus of Coelho’s when sharing her journey with her 9.8 million Instagram followers. Being diagnosed with epilepsy as a child, Camila shared how this affected her and made her maintain a positive outlook from the very beginning. She says, “Right in the beginning when the baby was still a fetus, I remember saying to myself, ‘This baby is healthy, this baby is growing beautifully and he’s going to be a perfect child. He’s going to be born perfect.’ Reassuring myself helped make a change in my mental health and will impact how the baby grows up.” 

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Camila saw her body changing and never had a moment of looking at it in a negative way. As she saw her body gaining weight, she chose to focus on the incredible experience of creating life inside of herself. Staying active and eating healthy was super important to the influencer, saying she worked out more than ever before – around two to three times a week with her personal trainer. Coelho touches on her diet saying she ate really healthy and made sure to get all of the vitamins her body needed, but also ate what she craved, “I did not stop eating carbs or chocolate or anything like that – I never limited myself – I just made sure I was very active during pregnancy and eating all the good stuff the baby needed.”

Coelho has acted as an inspiring and empowering guide to women everywhere on how to live a positive pregnancy. She tells Elle, “I think my message to women, no matter what you’re going through – if you have epilepsy or any other conditions that may affect pregnancy – is to stay positive, have faith, and be certain that everything is going to be okay. My baby is about to be born, and I still have some fears. But I feel like I was very positive throughout my whole pregnancy. There are going to be so many challenges and hard moments, but staying positive will definitely help you throughout anything you go through. Love yourself, love your child that’s inside of you, because you are creating life and that’s the most magical thing in the world.”

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