Seven Tips To Care For Your Skin Following A Facelift

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk July 5, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

Gabrielle B. Davis, MD is a practicing Plastic Surgeon in Beverly Hills. Dr. Davis redefines aesthetic medicine by implementing her unique research background in tissue regeneration into her medical practice to reduce the effects of aging on the body. Dr. Davis’s mission is to create natural-appearing results by implementing scientific principles of aging with the sound surgical technique. Her philosophy is that while aging is a normal process of life and scientifically we can not stop the process, we can definitely redefine the concept of “aging gracefully.”

As one of Beverly Hills’ top female plastic surgeons, Haute Beauty expert Dr. Gabrielle Davis emphasizes creating a natural-appearing result and not changing what makes you unique. Because aging is an inevitable, normal process of life, Dr. Davis specializes in facelifts surgery, the gold standard of facial rejuvenation procedures. Following a facelift procedure, skincare, and lifestyle routines can affect your recovery process and appearance results. With her patients’ well-being and satisfaction as a top priority, Dr. Davis makes sure they are fully educated, comfortable, and prepared, which is why she has curated seven tips for caring for your skin following a facelift.

1. Cleanse

The day after your facelift, carefully remove the bandages from the incision areas and cleanse to prevent infection. Next, with caution and slight pressure, wash the incisions with water and cleaners, then pat dry. Dr. Davis may also recommend applying a light layer of antibacterial ointment to the incisions.

2. Moisturize

We all know that moisturizing is a vital step in any skin care regimen, but it’s crucial following your facelift. After cleansing, apply an unscented moisturizer, particularly to the areas around the incisions to help minimize scarring.

3. Minimize Makeup

As excited as you might be to doll yourself up with makeup, Dr. Davis recommends not using any for a week to 10 days following your facelift until your incisions have been completely closed. Lighter, less irritating products, like mineral makeups, are best to use. You can return to your daily skincare and beauty routines once bruising and swelling disappear. As always, you should remove your makeup every night before bed.

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4. Reduce Bruising and Swelling

Throughout your recovery time, you’ll experience bruising and swelling. To reduce bruising and swelling, limit your activities, elevate your head when sleeping or resting, use cold compresses, avoid bending or heavy lifting, and do not take medications that cause bleeding, such as aspirin.

5. Avoid Sun Exposure

Regardless facelift or not, you should always avoid sun exposure. In the case of a facelift, avoid direct sunlight exposure on your face for at least one month following the procedure and keep your incisions out of the sun for at least six months. For the best results, use SPF 30 sunscreen, and wear a wide brim hat and sunglasses.

6. Stay Hydrated and Eat Healthy

Healthy and youthful skin is a direct result of staying hydrated and eating nutritious foods. After your facelift, your diet should include plenty of clear liquids, lean proteins, and high-fiber fruits, vegetables, and water to avoid constipation. Avoid skipping meals, as depriving your body of food will affect healing.

7. Don’t Rush

Though you are undoubtedly excited to show off your new appearance, your facelift results depend on patience and rest. Do not jump back into exercise routines in favor of giving yourself extra opportunities to recuperate. Trust Dr. Davis; time is needed.

These seven steps are just here to ensure you are finding the best results. However, there is much more behind Dr. Davis’ facelifts. To ensure you get the best surgical procedure, it is your choice to partner with Dr. Gabrielle B. Davis, one of Beverly Hills’ most dedicated, educated, and trained female plastic surgeons.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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