What To Do About Hair Loss In Pregnancy

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk May 24, 2022 By Brooke Klaiman

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

As a mother-to-be or new mom, there is a slight chance that you are experiencing hair loss. Hair loss in pregnancy is not extremely common, but it can happen, especially in the post-partum period. If you’re worried that this might be you or you already are seeing clumps of your once luscious hair fall out, Haute Beauty has you covered. Here our experts review everything you need to know about pregnancy and hair loss. Read more to find out how you can replenish your hair today.

Dr. Melissa Toyos | Hair Restoration | New York

There is an unmistakable glow to a woman who is pregnant. It may be the radiance of happiness but you could also attribute it to pregnancy hormones that increase the blood flow to the face causing a rosy glimmer to the skin or the hormones that cause all of the hair to grow in sync, essentially doubling the density of the scalp hair. Fabulous hair might be one reason some women swear that they have never looked or felt more beautiful than when they were pregnant. Here are the three things to know about pregnancy and hair loss:

  1. Hair can get lush during pregnancy. The hormones that cause dense thick hair growth during pregnancy are the basis of the effect of the prostaglandin products like Latisse or generic versions of the same. They basically cause all the hairs to go into growth mode and stay there making hairs longer, thicker and darker. It can start as early as one month into pregnancy but generally peaks around 15 weeks.
  2. …or it can get thinner. Most people do have thicker hair during pregnancy but some can experience hair loss. Stopping birth control pills can cause hair loss, vitamin deficiencies (babies are notorious for sucking the iron right out of you) can contribute to hair loss and if, God forbid, the loss of pregnancy occurs, the fluctuation in hormones can cause unexpected hair loss.

But the majority of people enjoy lush, luxurious hair all during their pregnancies only to discover clumps and handfuls of hair in the shower, on the brush, and on the pillow after delivery due to the hormonal changes of delivery. This shedding is normal, if concerning, note there is a correction that occurs as estrogen levels return to normal and your body finds its balance again. The bad news is that it generally will take a full year for that to occur so the baby’s first birthday will be something to celebrate for many reasons.

  1. Correcting post-partum hair loss. What can you do in the meantime? Make sure you are eating a balanced diet, especially if you are nursing. Prenatal vitamins are still a good idea to be sure that your body is getting all the nutrition it needs. Avoid oral or topical prescription medications as long as you are pregnant or nursing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is one of the most effective, safest things you can do after pregnancy when you take growth factors from your own blood and inject them into the scalp to boost your hair’s own growth until your hormones settle down.

By then, your hair should be back to normal and hopefully, everyone will be sleeping through the night and both baby and mom will be ready to celebrate that Milestone Birthday!

For more information, visit Dr. Toyos’s website, Instagramor Facebook!

Dr. Shamila Rawal | Hair Restoration | Wisconsin

During pregnancy, elevated circulating estrogen levels in a woman’s bloodstream promote enhanced hair growth, through prolongation of the anagen (active growth) phase and reduction of the number of hairs passing into the telogen (resting) phase. The net result for many women is increased body, shine, density, and length of their hair during pregnancy. When estrogen levels fall after giving birth, the hairs will return to their normal cyclic programming, and the number of hairs passing into the telogen (resting) phase is increased, leading to a temporary period of excess shedding. This tends to peak around four months post-partum and will generally resolve by the baby’s first birthday. Some women struggle to wait for this phenomenon to resolve itself, either because the temporary hair loss can occasionally result in dramatic thinning with an unfavorable cosmetic appearance, or the process continues beyond the first year.

I generally advise my nursing post-partum patients to remain on their prenatal vitamins or use Nutrafol Post-partum to help support nutrient delivery to their follicles, while being safe to use during nursing. I don’t recommend the use of minoxidil or any medication that can alter hormone levels, as we don’t have adequate safety data about exposure to the baby through breast milk. In lieu of medications, the use of low-level laser light therapy can support circulation and nutrient delivery to the follicles, reduce scalp inflammation and enhance the metabolic rate of and energy production by the hair follicles, thereby shortening the excess shedding period and returning the hair to its normal cyclic programming sooner.

For my non-nursing post-partum patients, the use of Nutrafol Women’s can be safe, as well as the use of topical or oral minoxidil. Once hair shedding has decreased, minoxidil products should be weaned slowly, to avoid a recurrence of excess shedding. Nutrafol is an excellent overall supplement to support hair growth even after post-partum shedding has stopped. The above is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. For consultation and a customized treatment plan, please book online at www.therawalinstitute.com. Virtual consultations are available.

For more information, visit Dr. Rawal’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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