Technological Advancements Continue To Bring Precision To Smiles All Around

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk April 28, 2022 By Haute Beauty

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Most everyone’s goal is the perfect smile. Thanks to technological advancements (both in and out of the dental industry), dentists have been able to provide and reach patients’ end goals by giving them breathtaking results. Specifically, our Haute Beauty experts equip their offices with more than just the essential equipment.

To get the lowdown on the improvements that have allowed for above-par smiles, Haute Beauty sat down with our Haute Beauty smile experts to discuss which cutting-edge technologies have brought precision to both their practice and patients’ smiles. Here’s what they shared:

Dr. Lindsey Marshall | Smile | Philadelphia

Technology has boomed in dentistry for the last 30 years allowing for beautiful aesthetics in a simple, pain-free process that has truly changed the face of dentistry. From start to finish, the process for Veneers and Full Mouth Reconstructions has become more well-known and streamlined, creating a huge demand for these treatments.

Technology like social media has brought attention to the life-changing procedures dentists can perform. Now, having the ability to perform virtual consultations has allowed the possibilities to be endless for all. When the process begins, we show you all of the possibilities available to you with a smile simulation. We can even do a try-on smile in your temporary phase to verify the aesthetics, Throughout the process, we document each step of the way with amazing photography so we can ensure a seamless procedure. 

Looking at an in-office approach, our technological advances are also impressive in our treatment suites. We offer everything possible to both comfort and ease any anxieties they are having about the procedure. For diagnostics, we have an iTero for digital impressions, allowing our patients to say goodbye to a gooey gaggy experience.

Once we tuck you in with a blanket, give you noise-canceling headphones, and play you your favorite movie, show, or tunes, we then use The Wand. The Wand is a computer-assisted anesthesia machine for pain-free numbing. At this point, you have reached peak relaxation for your smile makeover.

Most people say that after their procedure, they wish they got it done sooner. To which I always respond…well, technology gets better and better every day, so I bet it was a better experience now than it even was 10 years ago. But why wait when you can have the smile you have always dreamed of?

For more information, visit Dr. Marshall’s website, Instagram, or Facebook!

Dr. Nicole Deakins & Dr. Jeremy Kay, The Dental Spa | Smile | Philadelphia

When people think of trends in cosmetic dentistry, they only think mainstream. They know about teeth whitening and veneers that actors use to replace tooth gaps. What they don’t realize is that hundreds of other trends are being used and developed by dentists every day. Take a look at a few of the recent advancements that have improved the face of cosmetic dentistry.

A focus on cosmetic treatments. In general, dentistry is focusing more on cosmetic procedures. Dental patients are looking for ways to make their teeth and gums attractive and not just efficient. Today’s dental professionals are focused on developing new technologies that improve existing procedures like crowns, veneers and implants.

The use of 3D technology is widespread in making dental devices. In one office visit, an orthodontist is using 3D software to make dental impressions of the patient’s teeth for Invisalign. And on the other hand, dental surgeons are using computer-assisted tools to install implants and other prostheses into the jaw.

Improvements in natural looks and materials. Dentists have found more ways to make teeth look and feel more natural. They have expanded the types of materials that they use to include porcelain and composite resin. Over time, cosmetic dentists have turned into artists who use 3D technology to restore damaged teeth and improve the overall appearance. Only a few decades ago, most dental patients had to wear wired metal braces; today, they can wear clear, more natural-looking aligners.

Same day treatments. People are seeing the prevalence of same-day treatments in many cosmetic dentists’ offices. This is the result of advanced dental technology. The All-on-4 implant procedure takes two to three hours to install a new set of permanent teeth into the jaw. In one office visit, patients have their dentures or implants rebuilt to be strong and long-lasting.

The different materials and techniques in cosmetic dentistry have improved dramatically over the years. From porcelain to composite, the materials are more natural-looking and conform to the patient’s own teeth. As a dental patient, continue to look for more innovations that are shaping the industry.

For more information on Dr. Deakins visit her Instagram and on The Dental Spa, visit their websiteInstagram, or Facebook!

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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