Dr. Anna Avaliani is a leading female expert on Upper East Side in New York City specializing in cosmetic and laser surgery. She is a Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery, ASLMS (American Society of Laser Medicine and Surgery), and a Diplomat of the American Board of Medical Specialties. Dr.Avaliani’s unique approach is very much appreciated and recognized locally and internationally by her loyal patient following. Her high-end clientele includes many celebrity models, actors, TV hosts, celebrity makeup artists, hairstylists, fashion designers, and many billionaires and influential people. Haute Beauty Expert Dr. Anna Avaliani explains how Sculptra lifts saggy skin leaving natural and long-lasting results.
Dr. Anna Avaliani is a master injector and a national trainer for Sculptra Injections in NYC. She is the TOP Sculptra Provider of Sculptra in NYC since 2018 and injects over 5000 vials to date and she does so not only on the face but ALL OVER the body!
This is what Sculptra injections can correct when expertly assessed and performed:
● Saggy neck
● Wrinkly chest
● Wide gap between breasts
● Saggy breasts
● Saggy elbows
● Saggy abdomen
● Saggy inner thighs
● Saggy knees
● Saggy butts
In this article, we focus on Sculptra for the body with its amazing potential to restore the internal collagen structure and lift the saggy skin and provide very natural and long-lasting results.
Sculptra is not your typical filler but rather a stimulant of natural collagen production. Sculptra results appear gradually over time giving the most natural results in a very elegant way. It is the best-kept secret of many celebrities and it is impossible to get overfilled when you are in the hands of an expert. Sculptra is like a savings account in your “anti-aging bank.” It is always there to keep you happy and satisfied and never feeling empty.
Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dr. AvalianiHow to best prepare for the Sculptra injections?
Avoid alcoholic beverages, multivitamins, green tea, and NSAIDs like Advil, Aleve, or Motrin for 5-7 days prior to the procedure to avoid bruising and help speed up the healing process. Arnica or Bromelain supplements are helpful and encouraged but not necessary.
Who is the best candidate for Sculptra Injections?
Typically anyone can be a candidate for the Sculptra Injection but whether Sculptra alone or in combination with something else is needed can only be determined at the time of an expert in-person consultation after the quality of the skin can be correctly and accurately assessed.
Is Sculptra alone good enough?
The answer really depends on the quality of the skin at the time of the treatment. Sculptra is a great and natural collagen stimulant and it can be enhanced when combined with other laser technologies if desired or needed, some of the treatments which work synergistically with Sculptra include, Genius RF Microneedling, Ultherapy, and TempSure Envi, and TempSure Firm.
Is there any downtime after Sculptra Injections?
There is immediate post-procedure swelling from the injections as Sculptra is activated with a waterlike substance, which gets absorbed by the body within 24 hours. The short answer is there is no downtime and one has barely any restrictions.
The best options are discussed at expert consultations with Dr. Avaliani. Please call/text 212-673-8888 to schedule your expert in-person or virtual bespoke consultation with Dr. Avaliani tailored to YOUR specific needs and results.
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