Get To Know Mint Wellness Center Founder Paula Christiansen

Doctor's Talk, News April 16, 2021 By Alana Garcia

Mint Wellness CenterPhoto Credit: Paula.bodyartPaula Christiansen is an aesthetic expert and founder of the Mint Wellness Center. She has more than 15 years of experience in the beauty and wellness industry with specialized studies in Negotiation and Leadership and Negotiation and Marketing from Harvard Law School, a master’s degree in business from EUDE Spain, and another master’s degree from Aesthetic Medicine at Esneca Business School in Spain with a specialization in Electro-Aesthetics, which is defined as the application of electrical charges on a person with the aim of improving their appearance. Paula created her personal brand, Mint Wellness Center, a unique concept where treatments, as personalized as the DNA of each patient, are practiced.

What is your greatest achievement?

Having managed to become the best and most complete spa and wellness in Miami.

Haber logrado convertirnos en el mejor y más completo el spa y wellness de Miami.

What is the future of your field?

The future of wellness is huge and its growth projection as more and more men and women are opting for a healthy life through personal care.

El futuro del wellness es enorme y su proyección de crecimiento ya que cada vez es mayor el número de hombres y mujeres que optan por una vida saludable por el cuidado personal.

What is the biggest misconception about your field?

The biggest mistake in my field is the practice of aesthetics with non-professional machines, which leads to unimportant results in treatments and therefore damages the reputation of the field of advanced aesthetics.

El mayor error en mi campo es la práctica de la estética con maquinas no Profesionales, eso conlleva a que no haya resultados importantes en los tratamientos y por ende daña la reputación del campo de la estética avanzada.

What are your most requested procedures?

Body shaping and anti-aging sagging.

El moldea miento corporal y el anti-aging de flacidez.

What surgical advancements are you most excited about?

My branch goes hand in hand with surgical processes and one of our specialties is post-operative massage, we are specialists in postoperative lymphatic drainage.

Mi rama va de la mano a los procesos quirúrgicos ya q una de nuestras especialidades es el masaje post operatorio somos especialistas en drenaje linfático post operatorio.

What are you best known for?

Our most requested advanced aesthetic treatment is liposonix, a non-invasive treatment that allows you to lose up to 7 cm per session.

Nuestro tratamiento de estética avanzada más solicitado es la liposoon un tratamiento no incacivo que te permite bajar hasta 7 cm por sesión.

What is your most memorable patient reaction?

A patient who managed to lose 5 sizes in 2 months, her reaction and happiness when seeing her change has been one of the most gratifying reactions.

Una paciente que logró bajar 5 tallas en 2 meses, si reacción y su felicidad al ver su cambio ha sido de las reacciones más gratificantes.

What sets your practice apart?

We are distinguished by the professionalism and quality of our machines, we only use high-tech machines and advanced aesthetics, we design each personalized treatment to the needs of the patient.

Nos distingue el profesionalismo y la calidad de nuestras máquinas usamos solamente máquinas de alta tecnología y estética avanzada, diseñamos cada tratamiento personalizado a la necesidad del paciente.

What do you love most about your profession?

I think that what I am most passionate about in this profession is to achieve the results and change in the way of seeing and accepting each of my patients.

Pienso que lo que mas me apasiona en esta profesión es lograr el resultado y el cambio en la manera de verse y aceptarse de cada uno de mis pacientes.

What is your career-defining procedure?

Body contouring is the way to shape and reduce measurements effectively and without invasive procedures.

El body contourning es la manera de moldear y reducir medidas de manera efectiva y sin procedimientos invacivos.

What new services are you excited to offer?

Our ozone machine is the latest anti-aging technology and works on both the sagging face and body.

Nuestra máquina de ozono es lo último en tecnología antiage y para trabajar flacidez tanto de cara como de cuerpo.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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