Get To Know Smile Expert Dr. Jupneesh Singh

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk April 13, 2021 By Alana Garcia

Dr. SinghPhoto Credit: Christy GoetzDr. Jupneesh Singh received his undergraduate education at the University of Texas at Austin with a bachelor’s degree in Microbiology. His fascination with dentistry started in the seventh grade when he decided at the age of 12 that he wanted to be a dentist. Dr. Singh has grown his practice and expanded beyond general dentistry, and received great training in prosthodontics and management of complex cases. Dr. Singh’s focus in the practice is in “Smile Makeover” cases.

What is your greatest achievement?

Building a large group practice that is supported by a great team that embodies the same vision.

What is the future of your field?

The future of our field is bright. Technology advances and material advances keep happening and benefit our patients tremendously. Minimal preparation dentistry can offer great results without drilling healthy teeth unnecessarily and result in a beautiful “Smile Makeover.”

What is the biggest misconception about your field?

Fear and anxiety of being in the dental chair. We offer sedation dentistry which feels like you fall asleep in the chair and makes appointments relaxing and leaves our patients at ease.

What are your most requested procedures?

Our patients love “Smile Makeovers.” That can be Veneers, full mouth reconstruction with crowns, Implant Dentures, or as little as whitening.

What surgical advancements are you most excited about?

3D cone-beam technology is going to make surgeries a lot more predictable.

What are you best known for?

I am best known for having a gentle touch.

What is your most memorable patient reaction?

I was flying on a domestic flight with my family and a flight attendant approached me and asked if I was Dr. Singh, the dentist? I answered politely “Yes, I am.” She went on to rave about a fellow crew member that I did a “Smile Makeover” for and how much she loved his new smile and how beautiful his teeth looked. That made my day and felt butterflies be able to leave such a lasting impression.

What sets your practice apart?

Our service and attitude set us apart from other practices. We truly make our patients feel welcomed like family. My team goes above and beyond to take care of our patients. We strive and take pride in the level of service we offer our lovely patients.

What do you love most about your profession?

I love being able to utilize my skills and photography to help patients understand how I can help improve their smile, appearance, and self-confidence. This is life-changing for most people and I am humbled to be part of the process.

What is your career-defining procedure?

My career-defining procedure is dental implants. Being able to offer dental implants is the best solution for missing teeth. Traditional bridges have a short life span and Titanium implants are forever.

What new services are you excited to offer?

Laser-assisted dentistry and Botox treatment are new services that offer tremendous benefits to our patients. Lasers eliminate the need for stitches and offer painless surgeries. Botox is utilized in many ways to help patients hide a “Gummy Smile” and also help with TMJ syndrome.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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