Dr. Daisy Ayim is a talented cosmetic surgeon with an aesthetic eye and has over ten years of experience in private practice with a keen perspective on beauty and health. Dr. Daisy A. Ayim is a fellowship-trained Cosmetic Surgeon by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and Board Certified by the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Ayim has always been focused, academically sound, and driven to excel in her craft. Dr. Daisy Ayim trained in cosmetic surgery with top cosmetic and plastic surgeons in Seattle/Bellevue and performed well over 575 cosmetic procedures which undoubtedly provided a unique perspective and exposure to aesthetic surgery. Haute Beauty expert Dr. Ayim explains vaginal rejuvenation conducted surgically or non-surgically to improve the vulvovaginal area.
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HB: What is vaginal rejuvenation?
Vaginal rejuvenation is a general collection of treatments for medical or cosmetic purposes performed on women to improve appearance, restore sensation, or resolve incontinence. The end goal is to make women happier exuding that mantra look good feel good. Thus aesthetic procedures performed on the inside or outside of the vagina opening is vaginal rejuvenation.
HB: What are surgical and non-surgical options?
A common non-surgical vaginal rejuvenation option is using a vaginal device with a form of energy-based wand inserted intra-vaginally to stimulate vaginal mucosa. This leads to firmer mucosa, tighter vagina opening, higher libido, more lubrication, improved incontinence, and higher intimacy satisfaction. The more advanced device also works externally to contract the skin, increase sensation and arousal. PRP is frequently combined improved results. With volume depletion, fillers can use add volume to vulva area.
The surgical option includes removal of excess skin such as labiaplasty, perineoplasty, clitoral hood reduction, which is commonly performed to rejuvenate the external appearance. Surgically narrowing the vagina opening or restoring a broken hymen are also commonly performed treatment options. Sometimes the concern is volume related where liposuction is performed to decrease size or fat transfer to increase size.
HB: Who is a good candidate?
A good candidate is a woman that wants to have firmer skin, tighter vagina opening, higher libido, more lubrication, improve incontinence, or an aesthetically pleasing appearance. While some women might seek vagina rejuvenation out of curiosity, most have some underlining concerns resulting from childbirth, weight changes, aging, hormonal imbalance, or bulging in garments. Each client treatment is curated during consultation.
HB: What is recovery like?
The best part of vagina rejuvenation is that it is painless with minimal to zero downtime depending on treatments. I generally advise clients to wear loose underwear, avoid contact to the vulva-vagina area like sex or tampons, no soaking in bathtubs or swimming for four to six weeks if a surgical procedure was done. However with non-surgical treatments, I advise clients to avoid strenuous activity for up to 72 hours.
HB: Can a future pregnancy affect my vaginal rejuvenation results?
The great news is future pregnancy is not affected by any of the collection of treatment for vaginal rejuvenation. Instead, you may need more work after pregnancy.
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