Haute Beauty Experts’ Advice To Excel In The Medical Industry

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk January 25, 2021 By Marissa Gonzalez


Haute Beauty NetworkPhoto Credit: ShutterstockThe Haute Beauty Network boasts a robust list of the nation’s most respected doctors and surgeons. We caught up with the Haute Beauty experts to get rare insight into how they became so successful in their field and what their advice to aspiring doctors, surgeons and beauty professionals would be.

Dr. Mamina Turegano | skin expert | New Orleans

When it comes to any dermatological issues, I think it’s important to take your time with patients and let them know that you’re really listening to their specific needs. I also take a more holistic approach, especially with more complex dermatological inflammatory issues, and dig for possible underlying causes, like evaluating stress, diet, environment, along with testing for food sensitivities or other lab studies. When it comes to cosmetics, I strive to provide the most natural outcomes so that patients can have more confidence and feel like their younger selves without thinking they look like a different person.


Treat every patient like you don’t need to get paid. Treat everyone (including your staff) with a genuinely kind and caring heart.

Dr. Mara Weinstein-Velez | skin expert | Rochester

As a Board Certified Dermatologist, I have undergone 12 years of education to become an expert in the field of Dermatology. I then opted to apply for a competitive Fellowship in order to enhance my knowledge and training in lasers and cosmetics. Not only was I able to learn from and be mentored by the leaders in our field, but I was also involved in pivotal clinical research trials on lasers and injectables prior to their launch into the market. With this extensive training, I can confidently say that Dermatologic surgeons like myself are truly the skin and beauty experts.


The two most important factors on the road to success are hard work and mentorship. There was never a time in my educational journey that I didn’t set the bar high, work hard to achieve my goals and lean heavily on my mentors. It is also important to remember to stay humble, always have an open mind and never give up!

Dr. Amanda Doyle of Russak Dermatology Clinic |  skin expert | New York City

There are so many brilliant and talented minds in the field of aesthetic dermatology. I believe success is related to a combination of passion for what I do, love for our patients, and a constant desire to improve and grow and be the very best version of myself for my patients, my team and loved ones. There are so many incredible and fundamental things that we know work. We use this as a strong foundation and continue to add on new knowledge, techniques and technology to evolve and advance the care and results that I can provide for patients.


Continue to be driven by what you love and never forget why you went into medicine in the first place. Every patient experience can teach and help me just as much as I can teach and help him/her. It’s important to know that no matter where you are in your life and career, you can always continue to grow and learn and this makes the whole process so much more enriching and worthwhile.

Haute Beauty ExpertPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

Dr. Mariano Busso | skin expert | Los Angeles
Becoming an expert in any given field requires first having an absolute passion for what you do. It is a constant growth through critical thinking and feedback. Not only do you need to have a deep knowledge of the subject but also you need to challenge yourself by exposing your thoughts to colleagues through talks and publications. Participating in clinical trials as well as brainstorming with scientists in the developmental stages of products will also add a unique perspective and knowledge of your field. If you are willing to put in that effort, you will be rewarded with the respect of your colleagues.


Being curious, working hard, following the scientific method, and being passionate about what you do, constitute the basic elements that will lead you to become an expert in your field.

Dr. Deepa Verma | integrative/anti-aging expert | Tampa/St. Petersburg

I created a very unique practice almost a decade ago, forging a new path during a time when integrative, anti-aging medicine was not really so well-known. What I offer in my practice is a potpourri of services that are so varied, there is something for everyone. My practice is about 50:50 male and female of all ages. My youngest patient is about 2 and my oldest is 94. I love being a trendsetter and pioneer in so many areas of preventative medicine. Being a faculty speaker for the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine as well as a key opinion leader for many other companies has given me a solid platform to spread the wealth of health. Being a regular on the news has also enabled me to educate the masses. The services I offer in my practice range from aesthetics to medical marijuana to gut health to hormones to weight loss to detox to mental health, to fitness to IV therapies to CoViD testing and in-depth labs and so much more. You can view it all on my website: www.synergistiqhealth.com. I am now expanding into Tampa and am so excited to be able to offer my services there. I also have a large patient base around the country as well because people are looking for the type of medicine I offer. Everyone is sick and tired of feeling tired and sick and they want to look outside the realm of traditional healthcare as they are not getting the answers they are seeking.


Be confident about venturing into unknown territory. When you go with your gut instinct, you cannot go wrong. Find your passion in how you practice medicine and follow your dreams. You can manifest anything you believe in.

Dr. Christine Bishara | wellness expert | New York City

Having a successful business doesn’t follow a linear path. There are many moving parts and a lot of forks in the road, so be prepared for the ups and downs. If you ride that storm, you will emerge triumphantly too.

There’s no such thing as instant success. Success requires a lot of time and perseverance, but it also requires you to pivot and readjust when needed. If you have that mindset, you will succeed.

Don’t be afraid to ask. You might be an expert in your field, but as your career takes you into new directions, there will be things that you don’t know. Don’t be afraid to ask, share what you know, and also be willing to learn from others with different skillsets,


Stop listening to the critics. Most of it is opinions, and without the expertise to back it up, it’s just talk to get you to second guess yourself.

Lastly, it’s okay to set boundaries. A harsh reality that I’ve recently come to realize is that a lot of people who will be rooting for your success will be rooting for you as long as they feel like they have the upper hand, but once your success surpasses them, they sometimes perceive you as a threat.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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