Tackling Seasonal Allergies With The Right Remedies

Beauty News, Doctor's Talk September 14, 2020 By Alana Garcia

Dr. Tina Abraham is a board-certified adult and pediatric allergist and immunologist who completed her fellowship from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in July 2018. She was chief of her allergy immunology fellowship in Cleveland with numerous publications and research experience. Dr. Abraham is a Michigan native who specializes in the treatment and management of an extensive spectrum of allergic, respiratory, and skin disorders in both adults and children, including asthma, seasonal allergies/hay fever, sinus problems, postnasal drip, chronic cough, recurrent infections, immunologic diseases, rashes, hives, angioedema, eczema, as well as food and drug allergies. Haute Beauty discusses seasonal allergies with Dr. Abraham and how to best treat them with the proper medication and remedies.

Photo Credit: ShutterstockHB: What causes seasonal allergies?

Seasonal allergies are caused by your immune system processing environmental allergens (for example, tree pollen in the spring, grass pollen in the summer, and ragweed/weeds in fall) as foreign invaders.

HB: What are the symptoms of seasonal allergies?

Your body sees these “invaders” and wants to get rid of them, so histamine is released causing symptoms like itchy, runny, watery eyes, runny/stuffy nose, postnasal drip, itchy skin, and sneezing.

HB: What are the first steps someone should take if they suspect they have seasonal allergies?

If you suspect that you have seasonal allergies, you should contact your local board-certified allergist/immunologist to do appropriate testing to determine what your allergens are and how to help treat, and even cure, your symptoms.

Photo Credit: ShutterstockHB: What is the initial consultation like?

The initial consultation includes an in-depth review of one’s history, timing of events, symptoms, family history, environment, and a physical exam. If deemed appropriate, skin prick testing and, afterward intradermal testing, can be done at that visit. This will elucidate results within 15 minutes. In regards to environmental testing, this procedure can identify pollens, dust mites, various animal dander, and molds.

HB: What treatments/remedies do you offer to treat seasonal allergies?

Various medications such as local treatments in the form of nasal sprays and eye drops can be used to treat seasonal allergies. Systemic medication such as antihistamine tablets is also often employed in this treatment regimen as well. Subcutaneous immunotherapy, better known as allergy shots, is also a wonderful option for patients who have seasonal allergies and tested positive for specific environmental aeroallergens. This treatment modality is a slow, controlled, well-studied desensitization therapy to change over time how your body reacts to the environment. It essentially can cure the right patients from problematic allergy symptoms. Discussions regarding appropriate testing and management should be under the watchful eye of a board-certified allergist/immunologist.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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