Everything You Need To Know If You’re Considering A Breast Augmentation

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk January 28, 2020 By Marissa Gonzalez

Breast AugmentationPhoto Credit: Photo Courtesy of Pure Plastic Surgery

Who is an ideal candidate for a Breast Augmentation?

For saline implants, any healthy patient 18 or older is eligible for this surgery. To receive silicone implants, the FDA deems that only patients 22 or older are eligible.

Ideal candidates are:

  • Nonsmokers
  • Not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Fully informed with realistic expectations
  • Living at a healthy and stable weight

Dr. S. Alexander EarlePhoto Credit: Photo courtesy of Pure Plastic Surgery

What is recovery like?

 It’s important to note that, since every woman’s body is unique, there is no exact timeline for recovery. I will be able to assess your overall health and give you a more definitive timeline prior to the procedure.


Immediately after waking from anesthesia, you will likely feel groggy and sore. It may feel a bit like a hangover, but these effects should wear off in a matter of hours. However, you will need someone to drive you home and stay with you overnight.

The first five to seven days

Typically, the first three to five days are the most uncomfortable. Your doctor will likely prescribe pain medication to help manage the initial days of recovery. After the first few days, most women can manage postoperative discomfort with over-the-counter painkillers. In addition, a majority of women are able to return to desk jobs about a week following surgery.

The next few weeks

After the first week, patients are encouraged to slowly ease back into light exercise and a normal daily routine. The discomfort should be minimal by this point, but I advise my patients to refrain from strenuous activity like running, or rigorous workouts. Heavy lifting is also discouraged until they are fully recovered. Patients with labor-intensive jobs are recommended to remain out of work for at least three weeks.

Full recovery

During your follow-up appointment, I will be able to assess how far along your healing has progressed. Generally speaking, after  three months, most patients are fully cleared to resume all normal activities. It’s vital to follow your doctor’s care instructions closely so that your implants heal properly and there are no complications.

 What type of implants do you offer?

We offer saline and silicone implants.  Both saline and silicone breast implants are contained within a solid silicone shell, the difference is what’s inside.

Saline breast implants

–Saline implants contain sterile saltwater. They’re typically inserted empty, and then filled once they’ve been surgically placed.

Silicone breast implants

– Silicone implants come pre-filled with silicone gel – a cohesive fluid that resembles the feel of human fat.

 How do they differ?

  • SILICONE- the key advantage of silicone implants is aesthetic. Though both implants types can give you a natural look, silicone breast implants have a reputation for providing a more natural look and feel. Additionally, silicone implants are softer and less prone to rippling, making them an ideal choice for patients who have little natural breast tissue to cover their implants.
  • SALINE- Because saline implants are often filled at the time of surgery, they require slightly smaller incisions than silicone implants. Saline implants are also more versatile when it comes to incision placement.

What methods do you offer to increase the safety of this procedure?

We are constantly looking to improve the safety of our procedures, one amazing addition to our breast augmentation surgeries is the KELLER FUNNEL.  


1. Requires Shorter Incisions

We are able to make smaller surgical incisions, similar to those used in saline implant placement. Smaller incisions produce less visible post-operative scarring (especially helpful for women who are prone to scarring).

2. Reduces the Risk of Infection

Using the Keller Funnel involves a no-touch sterile approach that reduces the risk of bacteria contaminating the implant shell and causing an infection. This is also believed to reduce capsular contracture, a painful implant-related complication in which the capsule contracts and hardens.

3. Faster Healing

Placing implants with the Kennel Funnel technique reduces the amount of trauma on the breast tissue; this lends itself to a quicker, easier recovery with less post-operative pain.

4. Less Stress/Force on the Implant Shell

The funnel’s slippery coating allows us to use a minimal amount of force when positioning and placing the breast implant. This puts less stress on the implant shell and reduces the risk of the implant weakening or rupturing (which would require another surgery to remove or replace the implants). The Keller Funnel can prolong the life of the breast implants.

5. Quicker Procedure

The Keller Funnel generally makes the entire surgery proceed more quickly which is less time the patient is under anesthesia.  

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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