Get To Know Skin Expert Dr. Amanda Doyle

Doctor's Talk, News January 27, 2020 By Andres E. Caceres

Editor’s Note: Haute Beauty sits down with Dr. Amanda Doyle of Russak Dermatology Clinic to learn more about the Skin Expert from New York City. 

Dr. Doyle HeadshotPhoto Credit: Courtesy of Russak Dermatology

What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement was getting through medical school and training and never losing sight of what was important to me through that process.

What is the future of your field?

The future of my field is always changing. It’s exciting to be in dermatology because medicine and aesthetics are evolving so quickly and I absolutely love that it’s helping us to give patients even more sophisticated, impressive results.

What is the biggest misconception about your field?

It’s easy to do. There are so many factors and years of training that go into coming up with treatment plans and delivering different treatments to patients. If you really are providing the highest level of care, it’s a constant state of learning and pushing yourself to advance your understanding of everything you’re doing.

What is your most requested procedure?

Laser treatments, fillers and botulinum injections.

What surgical advancements are you most excited about?

I love that some traditional plastic surgery procedures can be done under local anesthesia now. We often work hand in hand with plastics. It’s reassuring to patients to have these options.

What are you best known for?

I’m best known for overall facial rejuvenation and tailoring a treatment plan that’s highly individualized. It’s about developing a very strong relationship with each patient, understanding their needs and working together to give each patient a very refreshed, natural look without anyone else knowing what they’re specifically doing to look younger.

What is your most memorable patient reaction?

The most memorable patient reaction I’ve had was when I saw a patient I treated return two weeks later. Her hair was blown out, she had beautiful makeup on and she was dressed like she was already on a luxurious vacation. She said she felt so good after the treatment, it inspired her to take care of herself more and it showed!

What sets my practice apart:

I think what sets my practice apart is that it’s highly personalized and it’s very approachable. Being able to provide a seamless, luxurious experience while making the patient feel comfortable is paramount. I want them to feel like they’re talking to an old friend that they trust implicitly. Our office should be their happy place.

What do you love most about your profession?

What I love most about my profession is that I can empower patients by continuing to help them feel like themselves. Knowing that I can make someone look and feel like their best self is really rewarding.

Career defining procedure?

It’s not one procedure that is career-defining. It’s knowing what combination of procedures will be impactful for each individual and helping to navigate patients through that process so they get the results they are looking for.

What new services are you excited to offer?

I’m excited to offer combination therapies. We are learning more and more what can safely be done on the same day. Our patients like to do more than one procedure on the same visit (sometimes multiple) so it’s nice to be able to provide that level of care for them. This way, they get more meaningful results in fewer visits!

For more on Dr. Amanda Doyle, visit her Haute Beauty profile.

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

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