Dr. Arnaoutakis Discusses The Selfie Generation

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk June 25, 2019 By Destinee Hughes


When the filters, cellulite reduction and skin smoothing apps stop working, whats next? Plastic surgery. With the rise in social media apps including Instagram, SnapChat and Facebook it’s to no surprise that the rise in plastic surgery procedures would be next. Haute Beauty sat down with Dr. Demetri Arnaoutakis to discuss the main procedures millennials are opting for, how social media has influenced cosmetic procedures and the youngest patients he’s preformed surgery on.


Which procedures have you noticed a rise in within the millennial age group?

Given the rise of social media, there has been a dramatic increase in the demand for plastic surgery amongst millennials. According to a report done by the American Academy of Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, cosmetic procedures have increased by 47% since 2013. Of the facial plastic surgeons questioned, 72% reported they have noticed an increase in patients under 30 years old. In my practice, I will see anywhere from 40-50 young patients per week for injectables such as lip filler, cheek filler or even preventative botox.

What, if any, contributions have social media played in this rise?

Social media has played a significant role in the rise of plastic surgery amongst millennials. As celebrities, influencers and models have begun to share their plastic surgery experiences online, it is now no longer taboo for someone to “tweak” a facial feature. More patients now aim for preventative cosmetic procedures. Unlike the previous generations, millennials have begun to start botox and fillers in their 20s to stay looking young.

In which circumstances would you turn away a patient based off their request?

I always encourage patients that “less is more.” I would rather a young attractive patient come back in a couple weeks for a touch-up than overdo it initially. My goal is always for elegant, natural results. So when someone gets carried away or is unrealistic with their expectations, I suggest that maybe they should find another provider.


Does having cosmetic procedures done at a young age have a higher risk of botched surgeries?

No, but I encourage patients to be educated on the provider you choose. It is extremely important for an injector or surgeon to have a detailed understanding of facial anatomy. When you choose someone who is not well trained in the procedure, you put yourself at risk for a botched surgery.


What is the youngest age you’ve done a cosmetic surgery on, why?

I have done a rhinoplasty (nose job) on a 19-year-old female patient. She not only suffered from nasal obstruction due to a deviated septum, but she also was bothered by her large hump and broad tip. I was able to correct her breathing issues and offer her a more feminine looking nose.



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