Dr. Dugar Explains The Speedy Recovery Process Of The Scarless Nose Job

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk January 25, 2019 By Destinee Hughes


Beverley Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Deepak Dugar is renowned for his non-surgical approach to the face and body, specifically the nose. His highly coveted Scarless Nose job has allowed him to create subtle changes directly aligned with his patients request. Dr. Dugar sat down with Haute Beauty to discuss the speedy recovery of the surgery and why only a few patients qualify for the procedure.


What is the recovery process like for the scarless rhinoplasty?

Very quick. Within six- or seven-days patients are completely back to normal.


Are patients able to keep their regular routine following surgery?

They can basically go back to their normal lifestyle. They just have to limit intense physical activity for 6 weeks. So, they can do light activity like Pilates or yoga, they can use the elliptical, but they can’t run jump or jog for 6 weeks. After 6 or 7 days, there’s usually no tell-tale signs of surgery, my patients have little to no bruising left, and there are no external cuts so that nobody knows you’ve had surgery.

Can you walk me through the consultation process and the steps a patient needs to take to prior to the procedure?

The month before the surgery we have our patients avoid caffeine and alcohol to reduce the swelling. We also have them do basic blood test to make sure that they are healthy, then the day before the surgery the patients will fly in, more than half of my patients fly in from outside the country, I’ll meet them one more time to go over everything and make sure that they are totally comfortable. The next day they will have surgery in the morning, and then seven days later they will fly back to their respective countries.

Why do you think that this is such a requested procedure?

Because people want to look natural today. The old nose job of our parents’ generation looks so fake and bad, and I think that now we are learning that the natural look is back in. Everyone wants a natural face, even if they want a fake body, they still want a natural face. You may want a big fake butt, and big fake boobs, but you still are going to want to have a natural looking nose. And I think with the nose specifically, natural is always in. In my specific procedure, the scarless rhinoplasty is literally defined for creating a natural nose that fits your face.

Do all patients qualify for this type of procedure?

No, absolutely not. I turn down about 50% of my patients that I see in consultation. And the reason I turn down so many patients is because of two things: I truly don’t like to push surgery on people. I think more people, than not, don’t need any kind of surgery done. So, I am very honest in my consultation, and if people don’t need surgery, I push them away from it. Number two, there are some people who need reconstructive surgery. So, they have certain types of noses where they had revision surgery or traumatic deformities.

What do you want our readers to take from this interview?

I want this article to focus on why celebrities are choosing closed rhinoplasty is because they don’t want anyone to know that they got their nose done. So, whether it is from the old school celebrities to the young new ones who everyone is obsessed with on Instagram, the closed scarless rhinoplasty is what they are choosing. And I have patients flying in from all over the world for it because they don’t want anyone to know they got their nose done. I think that is the biggest reason that celebrities come all the way to Los Angeles to see me, whether they live here or are flying from across the world. Because closed rhinoplasty allows them to get that subtle result with no tell-tale signs of surgery. I think people are scared to get their nose done for two reasons: they think that it’ll look fake and they think that the downtime will be crazy. They don’t want to be puffy and swollen for two to three months which is what happens sometimes with an open rhinoplasty. With our results, there is no significant downtime and there is guaranteed natural results. And that is what we love about it.

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