This Spa In Japan Takes Baths To The Next Level

Wellness December 4, 2017 By Maggie Peikon

Standard bubble baths at home becoming a bore? Put down the bath bomb, and book yourself a ticket to Japan.

Okay, maybe you need a little more information before booking that ticket.

Yunessun Spa Resort, located in Hakone, Japan, is the spa experience you never knew you needed…until now. This place, dubbed a spa theme park (yes, theme park), offers guests an opportunity to indulge in some of the most unusual spa bath experiences out there.

A Wino Wonderland

Proof that there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing: an actual wine bath. We know there are plenty of health and beauty benefits courtesy of red wine, so we’re more than ready to jump into this bath.

Calling All Coffee Addicts

Probably the only thing better than waking up to a cup of coffee is waking up to a cup of coffee inside a giant “cup” (okay, not really a cup but you see where we’re going here) of coffee. The coffee bath is a true sensory experience.

Keep It Simple

Not keen on dipping into a bath full of what’s usually served in a glass on your dining room table? That’s okay. You can opt for something a bit more traditional instead. Yunessun’s Aegean Sea of The Gods is a perfect place to relax and unwind.


Warm, soothing, relaxing, and rejuvenating—just like a cup of tea! Much like the coffee bath, the green tea bath is a real treat for the senses and is as much of an aromatherapy experience as it is a skin beautifying one.

If You’re Looking For Fun

Yunessun Spa Resort offers quite a few outdoor baths in addition to their indoor selection. Looking for something a little more lively? Look no further than Rodeo Mountain. Bonus: the water is warm, so this super slide can be enjoyed in the winter, too!

For The Sake Lovers

No trip to Japan is complete without a little sake. Hot sake cascades out of a giant barrel into this relaxing bath. Though it’s not for meant for drinking it’s still an incredibly enjoyable experience.

Photos courtesy of Yunessun Spa 

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