How To: Whiten While You Wine

Cosmetic Treatments, Doctor's Talk June 29, 2016 By Cara Glass


When it comes to daily routines, coffee and wine are often necessities that most of us just aren’t willing to give up. Coffee brings us to “life” at the beginning of the day, while wine usually relaxes us for a steady sleep at night. But regardless of the seemingly life-changing benefits that these two power drinks bring, it’s difficult to avoid the disadvantages that come along with them- stained and yellowed teeth.

Of course, a bold and beautiful smile has more components than just the color of teeth, but still, nothing says poor hygiene like a lingering yellow tint. It draws attention away from straightened teeth and emphasizes your daily oral-care choices, or lack-there-of.

So how can you keep your teeth looking white and fresh, while still indulging in your guilty pleasure? It might seem as though the obvious solution would be to just brush your teeth more, but obsessive brushing might actually make the problem worse. The enamel of your teeth contains microscopic pits, which means that food and drink particles can often become trapped inside them. The pigments of dark-colored drinks, like coffee and wine, reside in these pits, or cracks, and thus, leave a yellow stain on the teeth. Constant brushing can wear down the enamel even more, making discoloration more prominent, according to Haute Beauty smile expert Dr. Victoria Veytsman.

While it would be ideal to avoid these drinks at all costs, this just isn’t realistic for most of us. So, it’s best to designate “breaks” throughout the day for drinking coffee or wine, instead of sipping on it consistently. This decreases the contact of the coffee to your teeth. Once the “break” is over, rinse out your mouth with water to prevent stains from settling and to keep the pH of your mouth neutral. After about an hour, Veytsman recommends using an electric toothbrush and fluoride paste to help strengthen your teeth.

Having beautiful teeth doesn’t have to take the backseat to your favorite drinks. With proper oral care, you can sip, smile and maybe even sneak an extra glass as well.

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