Haute Ambassador: Lea Black Shares Her Top 5 Tips for Beauty and Wellness

Wellness August 30, 2013 By Lea Black


The summer flew by too quickly!

Roy , RJ and myself are now back in Miami, getting settled back in our daily routines and RJ back to school.

For me its a wonderful time to get back to basics, both from an inner and outer perspective and to reflect..get my skin, hair & weight back in good shape from all the ravages of summer…indirect sun, salt, too many cookouts!
I have for many years been a true believer that enjoying life to the fullest, taking care of my health and well being both inside and out, is a very simple philosophy for experiencing overall happiness..every day!

I follow some very basic guidelines that I would want to share with you and hopefully they will be helpful for you over the coming months to staying healthy and well!

1. Avoid smoking!

Smoking decreases the body’s ability to make collagen and also leads to premature lines and wrinkles. It’s also the quickest way to have your skin age..right before your eyes! Smoking causes skin to become grey and sallow looking and the youthful appearance and vitality disappear. Smoking in my opinion can age you 10 years.

2. Stay out of the sun all year around and wear sunscreen everyday!

Staying out of the sun can help minimize the onset of aging including the appearance fine lines and wrinkles, loss of elasticity/ sagging skin and moreover you will avoid having unsightly sunspots and hyper-pigmentation, as you grow older.

3. Eliminate sugar and salt from your diet and drink 8+ glasses of water everyday

Too much sugar and salt and not enough water really take a toll on skin and your overall health
*This is a practice what I preach wakeup call! Sugar gets me everytime!

4. Get back to basics with a SIMPLE skincare regime..and  be vigilant

Start with basic daily cleansing, bi-weekly revitalizing skin exfoliant treatments and using anti-oxidant, anti-aging creams and lotions morning and night .

You can slowdown the aging process very quickly if you make this a habit.

Choose a great anti-aging serum combined with anti-oxidant, intensive hydrating moisturizer and you can speed cell turnover, repair collagen & elastin breakdown and build elasticity…keeping skin at its healthy best, no matter your age. This simple daily routine helps to minimize the early signs of aging-forehead wrinkles, marionette lines around the mouth and the onset of crow’s feet…and will keep you looking younger for many years to come.

Adding an intensive eye crème and a lifting & firming neck crème as part of your anti-aging skincare regime should be considered for anyone over 35.

5. Make yourself think and be happy!

The truth is, as naive as it may seem – I believe true beauty, transcendent beauty, timeless beauty must start from within. It takes both inner awareness and peace of mind (along with what products we use) , what we think about and how we eat, to give us that youthful look, radiance and luminosity at any age.

Have you ever noticed deep lines, sad eyes or dull skin tones when talking to a friend or even looking in the mirror? I think if you walked in the shoes of the women whose face bears these things, you would agree that it’s a manifestation of what we think about. Anger and resentments we have harbored and circumstances that have molded our lives have ultimately “sculpted” our faces.

It is evident in every aspect of our lives including the face we present every day.  So I believe total personal improvements and thinking and being happy will be obvious in the look of our eyes (the window to the soul) and the total person.

Have a great September!

So to signoff, “Who we are” speaks louder than “What we say” and ‘How we live” shows up every day through both inner and outer beauty. That is my biggest secret!

For more information, visit Dr. Brian A. Levine's social media:

Haute Beauty by Haute Living X