What is FaceTite?
What is the difference between FaceTite and a Facelift?
A traditional facelift is typically performed with general anesthesia or IV sedation. The procedure involves elevating (lifting) the skin and often, deeper tissues to reposition and rejuvenate the cheek, chin and neck. This involves cutting in front of and around the ears to access this anatomy. The procedure may take approximately 4 hours. Patients will have sutures, drains and a formal dressing for the first 2-3 days. When well done, a facelift should be subtle, refined and not apparent. This is accomplished by not relying on the skin, but rather the deeper tissue (SMAS) to support the face. When the skin is used to accomplish the goal, we often see a "pulled" or "windswept" appearance that is more than apparent. Once again, FaceTite offers an alternative to the traditional facelift. FaceTite may be performed without anesthesia and is completed in as little as 45 minutes.