Transform Your Body with Avéli: The New Standard in Cellulite Treatment

Cellulite is a common concern for many, affecting the appearance of the buttocks and thighs with those stubborn dimples that refuse to go away despite efforts with diet and exercise. Enter Avéli, an innovative and minimally invasive treatment offering long-term correction of cellulite dimples. Whether you're looking to enhance your body contour or simply boost your confidence, Avéli presents a remarkable solution.

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What is Avéli?

Avéli is a state-of-the-art procedure designed to target and release the individual bands beneath the skin responsible for cellulite dimples. This minimally invasive treatment can be performed while you are awake with local anesthesia or under general anesthesia, making it a flexible option based on your comfort level.

How Does Avéli Work?

The procedure involves using a specialized instrument to accurately identify and release the fibrous bands causing cellulite. When performed with local anesthesia, the treatment area is numbed to ensure a comfortable experience with minimal discomfort. The entire process typically takes between 60 to 90 minutes, offering a quick yet highly effective solution for smoother skin.

Expected Results

Post-treatment, patients can anticipate a significant improvement in the appearance and contour of their skin. Avéli focuses on eliminating dimples caused by banding beneath the skin but does not address skin laxity or volume deficiency. For instance, dimples that disappear when the skin is gently pulled upward are likely due to skin laxity and will not benefit from Avéli. Similarly, indentations resulting from previous liposuction where too much fat was removed will not improve with this treatment. However, for cellulite dimples caused by fibrous bands, Avéli offers remarkable results, smoothing the overlying tissues and enhancing the skin's appearance.

One Treatment for Lasting Results

One of the major advantages of Avéli is that typically only one treatment session is needed to achieve significant results. However, patients always have the option for future touch-ups or to address additional areas if needed.

Simple and Straightforward Aftercare

Post-procedure care for Avéli is straightforward. Patients may experience mild drainage from the access sites for one to two days. It is recommended to wear mild to moderate compression garments over the treated areas for the first two weeks to minimize swelling and the risk of fluid collection. Bruising and swelling are common but usually resolve within the first several weeks, allowing patients to resume full activities after two weeks.

Combining Avéli with Other Procedures

Avéli can be seamlessly combined with various other cosmetic treatments. While some patients opt for Avéli alone, many incorporate it into a more comprehensive body contouring plan, such as a mommy makeover, tummy tuck, or liposuction on other body areas. However, combining Avéli with fat transfer procedures is not recommended simultaneously. If planning a fat transfer to the hips or buttocks, it is advisable to undergo Avéli at least four weeks before the fat transfer surgery.

Why Choose Avéli?

Avéli stands out as a cutting-edge solution for those seeking to address cellulite effectively. Its minimally invasive nature, combined with significant, long-lasting results and minimal downtime, makes it an attractive option for anyone looking to improve their body contour. With Avéli, you can look forward to smoother, more youthful skin and enhanced confidence in your appearance.

Discover the transformative potential of Avéli and say goodbye to stubborn cellulite dimples for good. Consult with Dr. Josh Waltzman to learn more about how this revolutionary treatment can help you achieve your aesthetic goals.

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