Revealing Confidence: Why Plastic Surgery Knows No Season

Fall and winter tends to be a popular time for facial plastic surgery. In October, November, and the first week of December, we see an upswing in procedures like deep plane facelifts, necklifts, and blepharoplasties—presumably because people want to look refreshed and rejuvenated for the holidays. During this time and then especially in January, when college students have ample time to recover before heading back to school, the demand for rhinoplasties also surges.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Sam Rizk

Just because it's a popular time doesn't mean it's the best time. In fact, I'd argue that there's never a wrong time to get plastic surgery. This is because I've personally developed a revolutionary technique that not only eliminates the need for drains but adds internal sealing glues to reduce bruising while minimizing swelling and scarring. With this approach, patients can resume their normal activities within a week—and within just two weeks, they'll be completely camera-ready. It's a game-changer, and it's only recently become a reality. Thanks to this new technique, patients can enhance their natural beauty and boost their confidence not just in fall and winter, but whenever it suits them best.

Social Media's Influence on Year-Round Plastic Surgery Trends

Social media has a huge impact on demand, and that’s been wonderful for our practice. I’ve developed a method that ensures patients are back to work in just a week and completely camera-ready in two, so I’m always happy to dispel the myth that certain times of the year are better than others for plastic surgery. However, social media can also set patients up for unrealistic expectations. A huge part of the consultation process for any surgeon is education; that is, making sure patients understand what is achievable via surgery—and that the filtered, heavily edited photos that fill our feeds are just that: filtered and heavily edited. Some surgeons, of course, have mastered the art of that one-size-fits-all “instaface” look, however, that’s simply not something I’m interested in (and frankly, neither are my patients). Our collective goal is always a natural, sculptural approach that celebrates the ethnic nuances that make us unique. It’s about refining, not redesigning.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Sam Rizk

Optimizing Plastic Surgery Procedures with New Techniques

While it’s certainly applicable to other types of surgery, my technique has changed the way we think about the deep plane facelift. Simply put, this is not your grandmother’s facelift. Not only are the recovery times unparalleled, but the patients we’re seeing are younger than ever. These are men and women in their 40s and 50s who are well-educated about plastic surgery and ready for an alternative to filler. My patients are seeking subtle, sculptural changes that get ahead of the aging process in a permanent way, and I’m happy to be able to deliver just that.

Balancing Lifestyle and Plastic Surgery

My technique has eliminated the need for drains, which speeds up healing time and minimizes scarring. Because of this, I’m proud to say that most—if not all—of my patients are back to work in a week and camera-ready in two. So while I would never suggest that a patient schedule a facelift a week before a big vacation, I can say with confidence that there is no longer an “ideal time” for plastic surgery.

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