The Tips You Need For A Seamless Summer Surgery Recovery

Photo Credit: ShutterstockSwimming in the pool, lounging on a beach chair by the shore, or joining friends for a backyard barbecue are all quintessential activities that signify the arrival of summer. While some people take this time to bask in the sun, others may choose to undergo cosmetic procedures that have been put on hold. But does this mean you won't be able to enjoy all that summer has to offer? Absolutely not! With the valuable insights and recovery tips provided by Haute Beauty Ambassador Dr. Sachin Shridharani of LUXURGERY, you'll be back on your feet in no time, ready to make the most of the season.

How soon can I swim or go to the beach after the procedure?

You must wait until the incisions are fully healed and watertight before submerging in water. Typically, this is as early as two weeks, but you should consult your health provider before engaging in these activities.

Are there risks if I engage in summer activities too soon after the procedure?

Risks you may encounter include infections due to water exposure before the incisions have healed, slow healing of the surgical sites due to strenuous activities, scar hyperpigmentation due to premature sun exposure, and increased swelling/bruising due to exposure to excessive heat and physical activities.

What precautions or guidelines should I follow during summer activities after the procedure?

Precautions or guidelines to follow during summer activities include: staying hydrated, protecting scars from the sun to avoid hyperpigmentation, avoiding strenuous activities for at least two to three weeks to minimize swelling/bruising, and eating nutrient-rich foods.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Are there alternative activities or modifications for a safer recovery during summer?

Alternative activities or modifications for a safer recovery may include low-impact activities such as leisurely walks, stretching, body-weight workouts, and practicing healthy eating habits.

Do I need to wear sunscreen or protective clothing for summer activities post-procedure?

You should protect your scars as much as possible from the sun. Recommendations include wearing SPF 35+ and covering the scars with clothing or bandages.

Can you provide recommendations for gradually reintroducing summer activities after the procedure?

Start with light exercises or low-impact activities and gradually increase intensity as your surgeon advises. These allow your body to adjust and heal properly without placing excessive stress on treated areas.

Are there specific summer activities I should avoid completely after the procedure?

You can resume summer activities after the initial stages of healing. Activities that you should avoid during the first few weeks include intense exercise or high-impact activities such as weightlifting and sports, submerging surgical sites in pools, oceans, and other bodies of water, excessive sun exposure without protection, and exposing your body to excessive heat such as hot tubs and saunas. You may slowly resume these activities after the first few weeks of healing.

For more information, visit Sachin Shridharani, MD, FACS's social media: